Extinction Event: Fleetway Sonic Vs Nemesis Blog

Extinction Event: Sonic the Hedgehog Vs Nemesis (Sonic the Comic Vs Nemesis the Warlock)

All Thumbnails by me, Stars!~ ishi_yuki tributed the first two though >:)

"Evil is a source of moral intelligence in the sense that we need to learn from our shadow, from our dark side, in order to be good."

 - John Bradshaw

Sonic the Hedgehog, the Chaos-Radiating Speedster of Mobius from Fleetway Publications’ Sonic The Comic!

Nemesis the Warlock, the Khaos-Wielding Arch-Deviant Demon of Termight from IPC Magazines’ 2000 AD & Nemesis the Warlock!

When your world faces the grim reality of being taken over by a tyrannical overlord hell-bent on world domination, there will be those who fight for your freedom. Heroes can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and sometimes, they may not even be human but aliens or animals. Though they may be heroic at their core, they must overcome the chaos inside them to prove time and time again that they are true heroes. With both worlds running wild with chaos, only one can remain. So, let's find out who will CLEAR this DEATH BATTLE!

Borag Thungg, Earthlets! 

I am The Mighty Tharg, the all-powerful alien editor of 2000 AD! Never would I have thought that an opportunity like this would arise again to showcase one of our most prominent characters! Within the many universes of 2000 AD, there exists one that spans Aeons. Nearly eight years ago, he had his final send-off within his story; but today, we’ll cover the hypothetical return of everyone’s favorite Warlock turned Freedom Fighter, Nemesis, from Nemesis the Warlock! Think of this as a sort of Collaboration Event, if you catch my drift. I’ll be covering the lead research when it comes to 2000 AD, so enjoy this celebration of both series. Credo! (What the heck am I wearing?)


Welcome to the ‘Extinction Event’; I’m the host with the most, Megadroid, the comic editor for Fleetway Publishing! While our comic has been on hiatus for quite some time, trust that we have plenty of material to bring to you Humes at home! And while we may have tons of comics in our collection, one comic character is sure to stand out: the Blue & Spiky Blur, Sonic the Hedgehog from Sonic the Comic! While he may be getting tougher and tougher, now's as good a time as any to illustrate all the amazing things he can do! We’ll be running through Sonic’s vast comic history, which began all the way back in 1993, up until today in 2024! We’ve been in business for over 15 years, and we aren’t planning to stop anytime soon! And there’s no one more practical than the lead editor themself, so if it’s all the same to you, I’ll be leading the research for Sonic’s analysis today. Sadly while we ARE doing the research, we’ll mostly be playing the role of Observer today… the Hume in charge (not to NAME anyone in particular, but that Stars Person…) has made it very clear they want to type up the mag themself, so stay tuned!


  • Dark-Toned British Comic Book Anthropomorphic Alien Anti-Heroes who fight as Freedom Fighters against a tyrannical overlord hellbent on domination of the World/Universe (Robotnik and Torquemada). 

  • They both often use Disguises due to being wanted fugitives, taking up the alternate identities Mr. Smith and Bob Beaky respectively. 

  • They're the fusion of two separate entities (Super Sonic + Sonic | Nemesis + Deadlock) and due to their darker side to their personality, it can cause them to act as a destructive hatred filled force against EVERYONE including their friends at times. 

  • They both channel chaotic radiation to use their powers (Chaos Energy & Psychic Radiation+Khaos Energy) which is often symbolically tied to that of 'Demonic Energy' in both series. 

  • The pair both end up losing someone close to them due this person's connection to them (Thoth & Johnny) which causes them to grieve constantly over their loss. 

  • They overcome the main villains’ tyranny and put an end to his empire while merging with a Villain (Torquemada and Super Sonic) in an attempt to avoid future conflicts with them, though this doesn't work forever with the pair getting unmerged both sides caught in a seemingly endless battle, as the Oppressive Empire they combatted long ago tries to rise again and again.

(They do also go over similar story beats like Time Travel arc, goes to help other planets from the big bad tyrant arcs, fought evil clones of themselves, Magic with a K joke exists in both, has gemstones to give themselves power, published by Fleetway at some point, they both have in-universe comic robot editors, etc etc.... though that's not really too important to the connections and more so fun extra stuff.)

Before We Start…

It’s important to understand that both characters have extensive comic and external histories that will be considered as long as they don't contradict their respective storylines; this applies particularly to Fleetway. Various sources like Sonic the Comic Online, Stay Sonic, Sonic Bible, Sonic Novels, and Adventure Books will be used to establish canon, Fleetway itself has leaked into UK Sonic media and tends to be written by the same writers without straying too far from the base material so it should be fine to use for his character (though if the material is shown to be DRASTICALLY different, it won’t be included). Cross scaling on BOTH sides (when it’s explicitly canon) will be used, which involves using statements to tie the games to Fleetway’s canon, as well as scaling across the 2000AD verse for Nemesis. Both Nemesis and Fleetway Sonic will be evaluated at their theoretical peaks, and any standard gear they possess from their respective comic runs will be taken into account as long as it's reasonable. Just for the sake of simplicity, I’ll be showcasing everything that will be included canon, cosmology & otherwise, below:


Fleetway Sonic

Control Zone, News Zone, Q Zone, Review Zone

Before delving into canonicity, it's crucial to establish (Real Life) the Control, News, Q, and Review Zones exist in Fleetway comics. These "Zone Sections'' are the split comic segments found in every issue of Fleetway and are integral to the comic, they all feature WOG segments, upcoming Sonic games, Fleetway related media, separate canons like Shows and Movies, and more (aka the Q Zone is the WOG Q&A Section for the characters, News Zone is for upcoming Sonic Material, Review Zone reviews games, Control Zone is to manipulate the comic canons). These IRL zones as well as Megadroid are mentioned twice within the comic and the comic itself makes it clear that Fleetway Sonic himself has entered these real worlds before, further backing up its canonicity. Therefore, whatever occurs in these sections are very easily arguable as canon within the overall Fleetway Sonic comicverse (Sonic’s literally been interviewed by a Megadroid bot before). Given the WOG sections and IRL zones are synonymous you can’t really buy one without the other anyways… Megadroid is pretty based tbh

Classic Era / Adventure Era

(Scan: Summer 1994 Special)

This is the most straightforward part of the Fleetway canon, not really much to say. It’s stated in the Story by WOG that Sonic 1, Sonic 2, and Sonic 3 are all canon… then the Summer 1994 Special (which is specifically Fleetway tailored) specifies that the ENTIRE classic era is a part of his story so far (as seen above). Both Guides of Sonic By The Book 1 and 2 are also mentioned and apparently owned by Megaroid, further solidifying the idea that Fleetway has at least lived out a version of all games in the Classic Era. WOG statements reference Sonic Arcade Game and Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine are canon via Fleetway Sonic himself… so it’s viable to be considered canon. There are also various WOG statements defending the idea of Sonic living out the Adventure Era of the games (or atleast Adventure 1). In general, Sonic commenting on these games at all in the sense that he knows them; gives us a good idea that the creators want Fleetway to just be a slightly altered version of the game variant… which is backed up by the later Lew statements that I’ll bring up. Though as it stands it’s pretty clear that everything in the Classic Timeline is fair game, there’s no real way to argue he HASN’T lived out these events, as there’s way too much material contradicting that idea.

STC Online Era (Journey From Fan Comic to Canon Comic)

This one is the most straight forward actually, at this point it seems like it’s pretty undeniably canon. One of the Online creators Stiv has gone on record to call it canon and has mentioned that Sega themselves printed official issues for a Summer of Sega event (which in itself is a VERY huge supporting argument for canonicity), but on top of that the comic itself had official writers work in collaboration on the comic, and Lew Stringer himself acknowledge that if Sega printed issues he'd also consider it canon (which in combination with Stiv’s statement means it’d be confirmed). So the only thing you can say is that it 'started' as a Fan comic, which holds no water given everything we have now. (Give Online a read, it’s really enjoyable… even if it is on hiatus)

Game Modern Era

This one admittedly I’m the most iffy on and WON’T be using for the blog, but if you use the STC: Online Review Zone entries (as it’s supposed to be covering Fleetway’s games) we get a whole new heap of canon material: Sonic Heroes, Sonic Battle, Sonic Generations, Lego Dimensions, Mania (and the Adventures Spinoff), and Forces, as they have all been mentioned so far. Outside of that there is a reference & artwork towards Black Knight and Secret Rings, but I’d rather wait until we get a verbal statement rather than art as it FEELS like cheating. Without further clarification, anything past Adventure 1 should realistically be dismissed. To further clarify this is moreso just based on lack of evidence, Fleetway is primarily based on the Classic Timeline. The Classic Timeline has solid evidence connecting it to Fleetway and WOG entries backing it up being canon… whether it be from Sonic himself, Kintobor, or Megadroid. Modern Timeline stuff doesn’t have that benefit of getting all that supplementary evidence, all we really get is the Review Zone entries which WHILE THEY DO cover Sonic media, is a completely different era, Fleetway hardly even brings up Modern stuff while it brought up Classic a TON. Even if you did want to buy it there’s the possibility it could be a ‘game’ loosely based on his adventures similar to how people debunk Mario scaling and getting items from Paper Mario… it’s sad but it’s how it has to be until WOG outright confirms it.

External Material: Movies, Novels, Shows, Other Books

The Sonic Bible is basically an EARLY EARLY draft for Fleetway, it follows the same plot points, has the same characters, and every subsequent material evolved from it, anything relating to it should be fair game as long as it doesn’t strive too far from the base material, this includes: Stay Sonic, Sonic and The Fourth Dimension Novel (and the other Novels if you’re feeling spicy), the Sonic Yearbooks, and Sonic the Story… (most if not all the UK material follows the Sonic Bible backstory, but some have some batshit crazy divergences from the Source Material… there’s one where Sonic meets some Native Echidnas and dawns fucking Super Armor like he’s in Black Knight 💀) As long as they all follow the Kintobor Sonic Bible plotline and feature future characters that were only ever invented in the first few Fleetway issues… I will not dwell on small inconsequential nitpicks (there are some small inconsistencies in Stay Sonic, like how Tails is saved in the Fleetway plot- but like it really shouldn’t matter as they are adjacent to the plot & it’s a really small nitpick… it follows the Sonic Bible near flawlessly) all of this material should automatically be fair game. Though outside of that there’s side material that is supported by WOG statements: novels like Sonic and the Fourth Dimension and Robotnik’s Laboratory are mentioned in the News Zone & the novel has characters exclusive to the comic make an appearance, the Zone also mentions the AOSTH series and the SATAM cartoon. Sonic mentions that he lived out the events of Sonic Underground (somehow- which I’mma be real MAKES NO SENSE, but it’s canon so lol). The Sonic OVA is brought up multiple times by the News Zone and WOG. (Sonic X and Boom are also mentioned BUT I won’t be using them)

References I don’t want to Organize; 

WOG segments from Megadroid & Sonic

This is pretty straight forward, it’s just any entries of interest within the Review, Q, & News Zones for the comic that I didn’t want to organize. Not to say that it’s all useless, just neat small additions that supplement stuff like canon… plus it has a few QUESTIONABLE things that I don’t even really want to dive into! Fleetway is a can of worms that I didn’t know I was getting into, but yeah- mostly just fun stuff for anyone who wants to see.

A few WOG segments from Lew Stringer and Stiv (Lew is one of the OG creators for the comic & Stiv is one of the Creators for STC: Online)

Around a year or so ago, while I was a happy-go-lucky, enthusiastic Fleetway fan, I bothered Lew, one of the OG comic creators who worked on the comic, with a few questions about the comic itself. While he genuinely tries to remain vague, I could gauge the route he was trying to go. Though honestly, I'd love to hear some of your interpretations on the matter because a lot of the stuff I asked was pretty basic stuff. Heck, we may even get more quotes from him which will make this outdated… which would be awkward, please no more… I BEG. To make this easier to keep track of, questions will be colored in Blue and Answered in Purple.

A link to the thread is right here for your viewing convenience:

  • Question 1: At some point in the comic Megadroid shows off the Control Zone which is essentially real life in the comic and shows off a bunch of different Fleetway comics (so I was wondering if that means they're all connected in some way) Answer: Other than they were all published by the same company, no. While characters from, say, Whizzer and Chips and Buster might interact, the Sega universe was separate.

  • Question 2: When Eggman absorbed the powers of the chaos emeralds he got a bunch of crazy abilities and became what the fans dubbed him 'God Robotnik' are these abilities something unique to Robotnik or can Sonic use them too given a chance? Answer: I suppose the potential is there if the story allowed it but if it hasn't happened yet it hasn't happened. :) (He knows HE’S TROLLING with that vagueness, darn you Lew!!!)

  • Question 3: I know the comic is essentially loose adaptations of the games but there are 3 different points where it's said the events of the game also happen at some point and can be experienced via the game- so does something like Sonic Adventure exist in Fleetway given Chaos appeared? Answer: Perhaps a version of it did but like you said the adaptations were very loose. Basically the STC stories were inspired by the games rather than being strict continuations.

  • Question 4: I'm not sure if you have ever heard or seen Sonic the Comic Online but essentially it's a fan comic that Nigel pitched in to help with some issues at some point and it got issues printed officially by Sega at a Summer of Sega event. I was wondering if you consider it canon? Answer: If Sega approved it then, yes, I'd say it was definitely canon!

All things considered it was a pleasure to talk to Lew, he tried to remain vague on a lot of the topics, though he did give some sort of insight, especially when it came to canonicity. As he basically blatantly said to my face, if Sega approved the printing of the Comics… WHICH BRINGS US to the one question I asked Stiv.

Stiv was a lot simpler, as stated before he’s one of the lead writers (WOG) for Sonic the Comic Online which we’re trying to prove IS the sequel. Being the boyscout that I was, I hopped into the STC: Online Discord and plopped in a question for him around a year back… and well- HE WAS REALLY straight forward when it came to answering me.

Question 1: Online is Canon right? Like I really like it but I was curious if it was deemed official. I know some people who aren't 100% on that despite the collab on one comic but has the og creator or online creator said anything about that? Answer: There are many reasons you could argue but I'd say the main one is that given Sega paid for the printing of 261 and gave them to every attendee for an official Summer of Sonic event, STCO is as canon to STC as you're going to get.

This in combination with the Lew Quote supplements each other, as he outright confirms that Sega DID approve it getting published… making it pretty blatantly canon to use. And that’s ignoring the fact that multiple of the old writers and artists went to WORK on STC Online. Here’s a link to the short question conversation for those of whom would like to see. Outside of that, that pretty much wraps up all that we needed to cover for Fleetway… so let’s move onto Nemesis.




This one is a LOT more simple than Sonic’s section…Nemesis the Warlock is part of the long line of comic books within '2000 AD'. The cool part about '2000 AD' is that they all occur within the same universe or at least a slightly altered version of it at different points in time. Several characters from different series have made appearances in each other's stories. For instance, Thoth, Nemesis’ son, creates a portal to retrieve someone from another point in time, allowing for the emergence of Satanus from Judge Dredd's storyline, who then becomes his pet for an entire arc. Thoth also summoned a Judge from Judge Dredd (sadly not the CHAD himself though). The ABC Warriors play a big role as well in Nemesis’ narrative, confirming Nemesis' past involvement as an ABC Warrior. However, the most significant connection lies in Tharg the Mighty, the in-story editor for all '2000 AD' comics through his brief cutaway segments. Tharg the comic editor tends to show off a comic subspace, full of doorways and passages that lead to ALL of the 2000 AD universes, illustrating that on some level all the comics interconnect, meaning the cosmology for 2000AD is HUGE. We’ll cover the cosmology MORE in detail at the end, but this is just a quick stand-in to prove that it’s interconnected.

External Material: Game + Other Appearances

This one is pretty straight forward, Nemesis has his own game called ‘Death of Torquemada’ and has made appearances in official stopmotion productions made by the creators. Due to how they don’t contradict the actual Story, they will be used. 👍In other news I never expected to see Nemesis get turned into a marketable action figure, this dude is a literal menace, why would you have him in the same house as your children. There’s a few questionable things like Music Videos that include him, but Nemesis is such an obscure character that it’s sorta like… DUH that’s him, as said anything is fair game.

 (Anywho, Spoilers Ahead, but I hope you enjoy it!)


Sonic the Hedgehog

(No, you will not IMAGINE him speaking British)

“Sorry bud. Way of the world. There's always more bad guys. Always more danger. I guess all that matters is how you fight back. Also? The name's not Bob Beaky. It's Sonic!

There is a planet that exists 11,763,222 light-years away from Earth and covered in dark matter, exists in a different timezone and in a parallel universe from ours. This is the Beautiful World of Mobius, a place where continents are split into places called Zones. It was unspoiled by Earth and Mankind, a beautiful place where alien life thrived, a place that had anthropomorphic animals. It's anything but a normal place, exemplified most with its hero and local resident of the Emerald Hill Zone, Sonic the Hedgehog.

He was just a normal Brown Hedgehog with some innate superspeed before he stumbled upon one of the most brilliant minds in the Universe, Dr. Ovi Kintobor (that's Robotnik spelled backwards!). This chance meeting had gotten that brain of his stirring. If he could utilize Sonic's speed, he could accomplish his life's calling: to contain all evil on the planet within the Chaos Emeralds, eliminating it for good. When Sonic agreed, they started right away! Kintobor put Sonic through numerous testings to make him even faster, eventually leading to an explosive burst of Kinetic Energy that broke the Sound Barrier. From that day on, Sonic's quills became blue and fused with his skin. But it proved more than ever Sonic could keep pushing because no one truly knew his limits, but perhaps Kintobor was a bit ambitious.

No matter what, the Grey Emerald eluded him, the Emerald that controls the other Emeralds and Chaos Energy itself. After a chance explosion in his lab, Kintobor was enveloped in that energy and turned into the menacing Dr. Ivo Robotnik. That day sparked the long heated rivalry between Sonic and his once-only friend. He vowed to help him get back to his normal state, no matter what it took, and from there, the events of the game timeline had begun. Sonic stopped Robotnik time and time again alongside his ragtag group of Freedom Fighters, consisting of people like Amy Rose, Tails the Fox, Porker Pig, Johnny Lightfoot, and many more!

Robotnik was stumped for quite a long time; no matter what he did, Sonic was always there to stop him. But what if he got rid of that issue? Robotnik took this idea and put it into action, capturing the almighty Omni-Viewer, a time-warping being and protector of the Special Zone, that he'd use to send Sonic to a random point far away in time. It happened to be around a year later. Mobius had been completely transformed, and Robotnik had become its ruler, watching over all the Zones like a dictator, silencing all who got in his way.

Due to how many eyes Eggman had around, Sonic assumed the alter-ego disguise of Bob Beaky, alongside the Freedom Fighters as they traveled from Zone to Zone, slowly abolishing his rule. Sonic had gotten himself into a lot of trouble during these times; he had to stop a Mettalix uprising that was happening all across time, fought against the alien Drakon Empire, fought his evil alter-ego Super Sonic, fought Robotnik even after he turned into a god, and he made an enemy of the fabled Pirate, Captain Plunder. (EVERYONE KNOWS THAT GUY! not really)

Inevitably throughout his fight against oppression, he lost some friends along the way, namely Johnny. He blames himself even to this day for his death, but that day motivated him to never let it happen again. Though no matter what was thrown his way, Sonic didn't give in because he believes in causes, and he knows that what he's doing means something.

Though most threatening to Sonic, believe it or not, was the media. Throughout all of his adventures, Sonic didn't really ask for much, but when events from his past were brought back into fruition, the people of Mobius turned against him. They considered him a bad guy, which really did lineup given Grimer, Eggman's right-hand man, was sending a transformed Mettalix to go around doing evil stuff as him. The KBS News were eating it up because they didn't care about Sonic's reputation; they thrived on drama.

Sonic, with no one to turn to, had to go on the run, leaving the Freedom Fighters to pick up the slack while he was gone. And when Eggman decided to invade once more, he came back and was ready to help the fight, even if the people didn't want him. That wasn't going to stop him because he doesn't do it for the thanks. That's one of the things you have to put up with being a hero. And when the Drakon empire was going to end the world he called home, he became Hyper Sonic and set everything back the way it should be. For better or for worse, things happen for a reason, and he knows it more than anyone, because he's not just any hero, he's Sonic the Hedgehog.

“Super” Sonic

(Sonic has a Murderous Alter Ego? It’s complicated.)

“Sonic the Hedgehog can’t come out to play right now – his berserker alter-ego Super Sonic has taken over his body and who can be sure what this malevolent menace has in mind now that he’s free to run amok once more!”

Now that we've wrapped up Sonic, it's only fair that we cover his Alter-Ego. After the events of Sonic 1, Sonic had collected Six of the Chaos Emeralds, the Grey Emerald still remaining missing. Though Sonic was determined to try and find a cure for Kintobor's transformation into Robotnik, so he studied them alongside Porker Pig. Inevitably, not learning from Kintobor's mistake, he got a little too close for comfort and absorbed a heap of radiation.

However, what was different from Kintobor is he wasn't holding onto anything for him to merge with, so what the radiation did was store a sort of new consciousness inside him, one filled with the Hate of the Emeralds... the Chaotic entity known as Super Sonic! Unlike Sonic, Super Sonic craves destruction above all other things, as he was filled with only evil and negative emotions upon being created, not that he wanted to be, but due to that reason, he became resentful of Sonic, being stuck as a part of someone else, a weakling with ideals different from himself... he wanted out.

And he'd get his wish after a few rampages as Sonic when the Freedom Fighters targeted the Energy within him directly, sapping it out and warping it to the Special Zone. Miraculously, Super Sonic was so hatred-filled that he just sorta kept living as a disembodied consciousness floating as pure energy until he created his own body entirely. Eventually, Sonic was trapped in the Special Zone, and the two came head to head, where he expressed how he wanted to be the only Sonic around... and that meant destroying him.

After a bit of a scuffle, Sonic managed to trap Super inside the Omni-Viewer 'Frozen' in time. A few weeks later, it became clear that he only managed to slow him down because he was still going and was going to inevitably get out. However, to speed up the process, Super had started building up tons of energy, enough to turn himself into a star-sized EMP bomb. Sonic, thinking quickly, knew that even if his evil counterpart getting out was a bad idea, that EMP could shut down all of Eggman's robots on Mobius, so Omni sent the trapped Super to Mobius, who detonated, shifting the fight against Robotnik in their favor.

Even worse for Super, the explosion had changed him somehow; he couldn't contain the energy anymore after that and was completely depleted. The Chaos Energy that drove his rage and hatred was gone, his own person, wandering the world with no memories. He went from place to place terrorized by vague dreams of his old past until he met the two Sorcerers Ebony and Pajamas, who, once they realized who he was, took him in. He wasn't like his old self at all; he was kind-hearted, and Ebony and Pajamas, being good people, decided to take him in. 

With their guidance, he grew into a nicer person, though it sadly wouldn't last, as Super needed Chaos Energy to survive. He'd eventually die if he didn't recharge, and when he got his chance by stopping Perfect Chaos, he was back to his evil self. Ebony, doing her friend one last kindness, sealed him and Sonic back together again, into one person as they should be.And while Super's fate is sad in a lot of ways, he was made for this. No matter what comes his way, no matter how many times he's defeated, he'll come back, and when he's staring you face to face, you'll never think to cross him again.


(Credo! Friend or Foe? Nemesis doesn’t quite know!)

"This should bore me... the endless fights... the endless punishment we inflict on each other... But... I just can't get enough of it. Fighting with the most insane creature from this asylum world... So violent. So dangerous. That's what makes it so exciting. So good."

Ah, the mantra of the unfortunate souls teetering on the brink of the years that followed 2000 AD: 'Be Pure! Be Vigilant! Behave!' Step into the post-apocalyptic world of Earth, a planet struggling to recover from relentless nuclear warfare that threatened all human life. As the surface became a desolate wasteland, humanity burrowed deep underground, transforming Earth into a labyrinth of tubes, tunnels, and subterranean cities to safeguard against future nuclear threats. It was a degrading and chilling experience, worsened when humans discovered that aliens existed and were thriving far better than them.

During this time, humans were controlled by fear. Earth was seen as a Galactic Hub for space travel due to its implementations of both a Black and White Hole… which meant hostility only began to grow more. The thought of someone out there who could usurp them, someone doing better than them, scared of these Alien FREAKS that could potentially end their whole race. So the vile Torquemada, being a Religious Leader, did just that; he WEAPONIZED fear by turning it into a Religion, which is what he used to rationalize his genocide. Everyone would conform to him because if he couldn't purify the Galaxy, no one else could. Eventually, he became the Ruler of Termight, HIS new version of Earth, where he would stand above all as a God.

And what better to challenge a man who wanted to be God, than a God looking to become a mere Man? Nemesis the Warlock, an Arch-Demon Alien from the Nether Worlds. He himself was an intriguing character. Warlocks themselves are Gods of the World, who specialize in just about anything due to the concept of Magic. Though with this Godhood came boredom. Warlocks weren't supposed to be anywhere close to 'Human'; they can't show emotion, they can't turn to others, they're classified as literal Demons—they're the hatred of the Universe personified. Which is one of the primary reasons that he helped; he is a Herald of his master 'Khaos', the God of Chaos, who has his many Heralds go throughout the universe spreading Chaos in his name.

And to Nemesis, there was nothing quite more confusing than a Demon helping both Humans and Aliens to unite against a corrupt ruler. Though to Nemesis' credit, even then he wasn't doing it for noble intentions; he saw Humans as a Child did ants, he was curious to learn more, and prodding to see how far they'd fight for their freedom. The more that he became enthralled with the struggles of Humanity, the more he was able to separate himself from his Godhood. Despite being an all-powerful being, he tries to keep away from using his powers too often. It not only made it more fun, but it made it easier to relate to the struggle of someone without powers, which only strengthened him.

Throughout the years, Nemesis would lead many wars and expeditions against Torquemada which eventually escalated into Torquemada's death. Though sadly, death never did quite stick for Torquemada; his pure RAGE let him continue on as a spirit who would terrorize the galaxy, appearing in other places, possessing others, stirring more havoc to meddle with Nemesis' attempts to unite Humans and Aliens.

Even with an entire council at his beck and call, their general distrust of Humanity had grown to be a pain for Nemesis. The only real issue WAS Torquemada who at that point had reformed his original body, and Nemesis knew he had to get rid of him. During his battles AWAY from his home planet, however, his wife Chira was murdered by Torquemada, which drove him into progressing blind ranges. It wasn't fair, it wasn't something a God should have to deal with, but he lost his one true lover. And even worse, for a long time he thought his son was dead too. When he eventually did end up finding him, he despised his Father for not being there for his Mother, and EVEN when he broke his Son's image of him, Nemesis was hit with another devastating blow; Torquemada killed his Son in front of him.This was more than enough for Nemesis, but more than anything else, one more thing sealed what happened next in stone. It turned out that Nemesis had actually REVEALED his intentions about his allies before but erased their memories whenever he felt it necessary. So when the Black and White Holes of Termight exuded Time Radiation, memories from past events flooded in, and he got chewed out HARD. In his eyes, they were right. Gods shouldn't interfere in the affairs of Mortals because they didn't NEED saving, they always had the ability to save themselves. Nemesis would leave them all with one last kindness and fight Torquemada one last time.

Inevitably, Torquemada and Nemesis’ feud would reach a resolution; if Torquemada couldn't kill Nemesis and his whole planet was against him, he'd kill everyone. Attempting to destroy the entire galaxy, he would use the black hole bypasses as a radiation bomb. Nemesis bid his crew farewell, knowing that it’d be ‘The End’ of his days as a Freedom Fighter, as he sacrificed himself, absorbing all of the energy and radiation into himself as he combined with Torquemada into the Blitzspear—a ghost ship that rounded the galaxy for a billion years.

However, Nemesis didn't deem that enough of a punishment for a man of Torquemada's caliber. So, being the kind hero he is, Nemesis proceeded to let him out after that billion years, allowing him to rejoin his empire—for about five seconds. He then proceeded to...WHAT THE FUCK—well, HE IS PART DEMON, and that's Nemesis for you. He's not exactly good or evil; he's chaotic.

While he may not always be the most reliable, he is willing to fight for your freedom. Even if Nemesis' journey didn't have the best intentions, and he'll never be a 'hero' in the traditional sense, the good people around him did end up changing him into someone who stood for freedom all across the galaxy, even if that required plenty of sacrifice from him. Because he didn’t see two sides to every story, he didn’t see good or evil, bad or good, he only saw ONE reality—the true one. He knew that rather than believe in a cause, you should believe in yourself; because in truth, you were always the one true NEMESIS standing in the way of a better future.


(Scholar of Khaos & Defender of Mars; the Seventh ABC Warrior)

“Don't you understand yet, simpleton...everything in life is an illusion... DEATH IS THE ONLY REALITY!

Deadlock originally was a Grand Wizard fighting and conducting rituals on other planets, hoping to convert others to his Khaotic cause as a sort of cult in the name of Khaos, that is, before he was introduced to the ABC Warriors; which was a government organization from Mars before the rule of Termight had come to be. After their leader bested Deadlock in combat, taking his Sword of Aces, he was sworn to their cause and helped them in fights all across the galaxy; but mostly Mars. In wars involving robots, he was given a license to kill, Deadlock would slay millions alongside his crew in hopes of sparing those worlds from destruction and taming planets.

Deadlock despite his origins is an interesting case; despite not really caring about anything if it didn’t involve his God Khaos, he was a huge reason that Nemesis even bothered to help out with the whole ordeal with the Termights. Deadlock was a member of the ABC Warriors for quite awhile, before they eventually disbanded, what Deadlock returned home to were his 'fellow Knights' that he had once known; they had grown lazy, indulging in alcoholic pleasures, women, and such. His sworn brethren, who used to maintain peace, order, and discipline, had begun to become bitter and resentful towards other races seeking to wipe them all out. This would spark the beginning of the new human order in time, which would grow to be the Terminators.

Seeking an answer to what would inevitably be the end of Earth itself, being a mage himself, he sought out help from anyone he could find with no luck. With even his old team gone, he had to resort to alternative methods. He spent days, months, years in a chamber, meditating and studying manuscripts of his God Khaos in hopes of someone who could aid him; one who could stop the upcoming threat these humans would pose against other races. And what he got was a little more than he expected: a master, a friend, a comrade whom he sat beside for a long time, sharing his ambitions as a part of his own council; and his name was Nemesis. This council shared those very same ambitions that the ABC Warriors once had, even if they were a little more 'efficient' with their methods. This continued until the day Deadlock mastered his craft. And this being known as 'Nemesis' offered to combine with him spiritually to achieve a state of heightened astral existence with their master Khaos, and due to that they became one. Nemesis and Deadlock both became apostles of Khaos who would spread Chaos throughout the Universe; but more importantly, Nemesis was sworn to help Termight. With these newfound beliefs instilled into the deity, he had sworn to help not only the alien races the same way that Deadlock did with the ABC Warriors, but he also promised he'd overturn the Termights' rule so that Earth could have a chance at freedom once more.

You could say that he was the opposite of an inner demon; the sort of thing a demon like Nemesis needed—an inner angel. Someone to balance him out, someone who saw the values in life, and someone who knew how to kick ass if the situation called for it. While the two may still bicker on what they consider to be right in certain situations, together they always make a great team; one which, given time, could help change the world for the better.

Intelligence, Experience, & Skill

Fleetway Sonic

This is probably his most defining characteristics, he has seen almost anything you can think of and faced it head-on. He’s convinced an evil Scientist into being a good guy, incredibly good at acrobatics, great at climbing, great at digging, is great at sculpting, plays Rugby apparently, learned Quantum Physics, fought Earth’s Military, has fought way too many Badniks over the years, fought Royal Guardsmen, fought Shapeshifters, fought Giants, beat a Three Year Boxing Champion, fought / encountered Wizards / Mages, his quick-witted nature allows him to outsmart people of Eggman’s intelligence like Brutus, fought multiple various versions of himself, fought an invisible robot by utilizing his surroundings, fought a God who warped reality continuously while they fought, capable of seeing through disguises, fought Amy who has Military Training, great at swordsmanship (as seen above), fought MULTIPLE consecutive alternate versions of himself, could deduce a ship’s measurements from far away and also pilot that ship, constantly using the environment to his advantage, utilize tech he’s never managed before, can smell out a trap from a mile away, great at construction, fought Sentinels who have Thousands of Years of combat experience, fought an army of past enemies and THOUSANDS of Badniks simultaneously, completely countered someone after experiencing their ability one time, while fighting strategized how to warp away a Monster, has gauged distractions mid-battle, solved an ongoing riddle while chased by a missile, encountered and fought illusionists, can deduce a person’s intentions just from meeting them, deduced the weakness of a seemingly invincible robot, identified alien technology, learned how to pilot Eggman’s tech in seconds, physically reprogrammed the code of a Badnik himself, and modified Eggmans tech.


Nemesis makes up for his lack of Diverse opponents via his mastery over magic and Tactical prowess. This isn’t surprising given Nemesis has lived for 1 Billion Years and has at least 10-100s of years of battle experience (and being over 1 BILLION years old himself due to the ending), it’s no wonder that he’s a worthy adversary. Like most people on Termight his body has adjusted to fighting at ANY angle even if he’s completely upside down (which isn’t surprising for Nemesis as he has great balance), he’s defused bombs, reprogrammed robots, he’s fought through hordes of Termights trained from childhood, fought Mages and Warlocks similar to himself, matched Hammerstein in hand to hand combat (he’s a Military Tactician), fought Martial Artists, fought in multiple Wars, fought duplicates of himself, ghosts, etc. (Overall quite decent in both regards) 


Fleetway Sonic


Sonic has picked up a handful of disguises over the years, he’s actually quite adept with blending in due to them. His disguises range from his common more typical Robe design, to a reporter, to even his Alternate Persona Bob Beaky. During Robotnik’s reign he was able to wear the Bob Beaky disguise to travel across Mobius undetected… EVEN AFTER his identity got leaked (I have no idea how). He’s also been shown on a few occasions to wear a pair of shades in the first few issues similar to the Sonic OVA, which are SPIFFY ASF, but sadly he’s never showcased them again 🙁

Speed Boots / Power Boots

Sonic’s iconic Power Sneakers, while he may have very few variants, surprisingly they’re quite diverse in terms of what they do. Unlike most normal Shoes, they reduce friction, making it much easier for Sonic to run around without burning through them… (which happened to be a problem before) they’re also what allows him to hit top speeds effortlessly with no strain. They work really well on basically any terrain as long as he can get his feet going and have the innate ability to Stack and Store speed the more he runs. (This is how Tuffy was able to gain Sonic’s speed for a brief period of time) Though it also has more impractical purposes, for instance, Sonic can upgrade his shoes with jets to fly for a brief bit of time… he’s even upgraded his Shoes with the ability to ATTRACT himself to Rings at the speed of light and EVEN ENEMIES.

Fire Extinguisher

Sonic and the rest of the Freedom Fighters have access to Fire Extinguishers capable of putting out Magma and Fire, which realistically should be completely impossible… but NOT for Sonic! Regardless this implies that this Fire Extinguisher can put out something that exceeds 1000 Celcius (the temperature for Magma).

Diving Suit

Sonic wasn’t exactly great with Water in the game timeline, but in Fleetway he’s taken PLENTY of precautions in order to avoid a grim fate underwater… like this Diving Suit! Is Game Sonic STUPID? (please don’t kill me)


“Good acceleration and speed but poor cornering.”

Sonic has a wide array of Cars & Vehicles at his disposal that he likes to drive at times, though his favorite appears to be a Red Sports car called the ‘Cyclone’. It has a feature that lets him ‘Dash’ ahead of the competition with short bursts of speed. And if he really wants to get places, he has his own registered Police Car that can Turbo Boost alongside having WAY better turning potential than his Sports Car… why doesn’t he just drive that? Sonic also has a School Bus for some reason due to his apparent profession in education… Why DOES HE NEED A SCHOOL BUS. And if he wants to take his adventures to the Stars, he has his own personalized Spaceship that can boost around, fire missiles, shoot energy, and TRANSMUTE ENEMIES INTO STARS? HE OWES ME ROYALTIES! 

Popcorn Shop Vending Machine

For some unknown reason Sonic owns an entire popcorn factory that can make popcorn for him and his friends (and people in the real world). The one downside is that if he somehow fails at making it, supposedly reality itself will start to collapse… and he’ll need help from people in the Real World to fix it. That must be some nice popcorn to have such risks.

Hyper Spring

There’s nothing really to comment on for this Spring, it’s just a MUCH more powerful variant of the Spring- capable of launching Sonic to the Angel Island from Mobius’s surface… which is thousands of feet into the air. He just sorta seems to bring personalized springs around with him, they even share a shocking similarity to the Springs from Sonic Chaos.

Energy Radar

This allows Sonic to pinpoint high energy signatures with a sort of GPS tracking, just think of it like a Scouter from Dragon Ball. He was able to track Super Sonic all across Mobius with it, though it doesn’t seem to be extremely precise, as it needs a high energy signature to lock onto.

Laser Pistol

It stands to reason that Sonic should be granted the Laser Pistol he stole from Badnik, given it’s something we never see him drop. That and there’s a lot of times where the Freedom Fighters take broken Badnik Gear back to base. WE’RE GIVING SONIC THE GUN.


The Freedom Fighters have access to Landmines which can create huge explosions, big enough to demolish this bridge. I’m almost certain that this is literally just terrorism.

Badnik Dismantler

This nifty rod is capable of completely reprogramming tech to self-destruct, better yet if someone somehow fixed or rebuilt the infected tech, the tech will have been infected with a virus that makes them friendly towards Sonic and the gang.

Sega Game Controller

Sonic just sorta carries around what is presumably a Genesis controller, outside of sentimental value, it’s vaguely referenced to be capable of stopping time if Sonic is inside a game medium. Not like he really needs it though, as you’ll see when we get to his other equipment & abilities. Though uh… I guess he could throw it at someone REALLY hard.


Sonic just so happens to carry around a comb with him, which I guess is a nice thing, hair care is important and his game counterpart doesn’t really ever bother with it. Honestly jab this thing in someones eye, that one is LITERALLY SHAPED LIKE A GUN, SHOOT YOUR ENEMIES SONIC!

Game Gear

I honestly have no idea who in their right mind would use this thing, but sometimes during the novel's events, he decides to play on a Game Gear so that he can play SEGA titles. I have no idea how he deals with that screen size, he should really stop beefing with Nintendo so he can get a GBA.


Sonic Underground Items

As explained before, Sonic Underground is one of the separate media that are SOMEHOW expressly canon… meaning he’d get all the items and such that he did in the Show.

  • Medallion: Sonic has a Medallion which serves as a royal artifact, he carries it on him at all times, and it has the capability to summon a Magical Guitar. When he plays Music on it, it can fire literal LASER-BEAMS at people… and the music is apparently SO GOOD, it can bring inanimate objects to life.

  • Anti-Gravity Sneakers: Sonic has a pair of sneakers that can allow him to defy Gravity, allowing him to run along walls and ceilings as if he was on the ground, without the worry of falling.

  • Frequency Harmonizer: The Frequency Harmonizer is a small cylindrical device that can hack and bypass security, which is why it's often used to negate Robotnik's security panels.

  • Chili Dog: What is there to say, it’s Sonic’s tried and true option for eating, for SOME reason in Fleetway… he does NOT eat Chili Dogs- if we consider this canon, which it is, it’s one of his favorite foods.


There’s multiple different variants of the device, one requires Sonic to be at the Freedom Fighting base, which clearly isn’t combat applicable as he needs to be at their home base… though the SECOND variant allows Sonic to make after-image clones of himself during combat. It’s a device Tekno made for the rest of the Freedom Fighters to use, so it’s fair-use to say he’d also have access to it.

Size-Altering Pills

Sonic managed to snag Fang’s backpack full of size-altering pills after he ran away without them. The pills can shrink you so small that an atom is the size of a UNIVERSE in comparison to yourself or make you as big as a house, it’s your choice. They decrease the power of anyone affected by the shrinking effect and can leave you helpless. Shrink all your problems.

Star Post

Star Posts act just like they do in the games, except they’re way more manageable in this case. Not only has Sonic been seen to carry them around on his person, but it can teleport him to ‘ANY’ Starpost in Existence (as said in the scan above), which also includes inside other Dimensions like the Special Zone. It can be used to warp objects as big as a blimp, so it can be used as a reliable source of BFR. On another Note, Sticks has mentioned the possibility that they can affect Mental States (which given how accurate the rest of her conversation is might be true). In short, it’s just super easy dimensional travel, though there is a small downside... he can’t just teleport immediately, they run on pure Kinetic Energy. So if you want to get it working you have to run at Super Speed around it until it’s charged. Just go at Sonic Speed! Similarly in the OVA, Sonic was capable of utilizing Warp Zones which could send him through Space as a sort of teleport tool.

Power Rings

Power Rings are actually pretty much exactly like the games, they not only make Sonic harder to damage… but they can restore his Energy (also said in the scan above) or be stored inside him as energy he can tap into later via Super Sonic. Given the way they work in the games, it’s likely that they negate physical damage as long as he has some rings on hand. (Since they just eject from his body to prevent him from dying) Outside of that, if someone tries to touch Sonic’s rings, it’ll actually DAMAGE them if it isn’t Sonic (must be some built-in security system fr)

Mobius Rings

These are just your generic big rings from the games, Sonic has used them consistently to travel to other Dimensions and can summon them with a Drakon Sword! (which they didn’t take from him for some reason) Though unlike the Star Posts, the Mobius Ring actually isn’t limited to just other Star Post locations or the Special Zone, it can go to completely disconnected dimensions like the Flicky Dimension. The Ring is pretty versatile in combat as well, being able to redirect incoming attacks from foes and it can grow as large as a planet if need be!


Fleetway actually managed to live out a majority of the Game Sonic timeline, including the entire Classic Era, in which case we know the Monitors are canon as they appear in Fleetway. The following Monitors should be accessible to him: 



Extra Life

Gives Sonic an extra chance at life by creating a new body for him to inhabit. 

Within Fleetway’s canon, it’s explained that Kintobor made these types of Monitors as a failsafe to protect Sonic should he be killed.  Based on what we see in gameplay, no body pops out when a Monitor is destroyed… so whenever Sonic is killed it’s likely that he generates a brand new body whenever he comes back by absorbing the Clone inside the Monitors. It is also implied that they reverse time, there’s plenty of times where stuff doesn’t add up UNLESS time was reversed, like Eggman escaping while a Labyrinth is flooded… only for Eggman to be back where he was and for the Labyrinth to not be flooded when Sonic dies. There’s also simpler stuff like cutscenes restarting after you respawn… the comic supports this as when he dies (in the game), it cuts to a black screen, and he gets some sort of DEJA VU letting us know he resurrected over 9000 times. (Even the Adventure Novels consider lives canon)

Lives have also been shown capable of bringing Sonic back from being reduced to nothing but a soul! And lastly, this Monitor has the function to Seal opponents inside of it, trapping them completely.

Ring Container

This one is pretty self-explanatory: it gives the individual 10 rings.

Refer to ‘Power Rings’ Section.


Grants the user a Shield that completely surrounds their body.

The user gets a shield that can take one strong hit of damage before dissipating.

Speed Shoes

Sonic gets a jumpstart of energy causing him to run faster.

Sonic seems to get an upgraded pair of shoes that lets him achieve his TOP speed almost instantaneously upon moving, though even his Top Speed is increased in this state.

Flame Shield

This is just like the normal shield, though it grants the user a fiery dash.

The user gets a shield surrounding them made of Flame, it makes them immune to Fire Attacks, and gives them a mid-air offensive dash they can use against enemies.

Bubble Shield

This is just like the normal shield, though it grants the user a bubble bounce.

The user gets a shield surrounding them made of Water, it makes them unable to drown, reflects weak projectiles, and gives them a mid-air defensive bubble bounce they can use against enemies and use to traverse.

Thunder Shield

This is just like the normal shield, though it grants the user an electrified double-jump.

The user gets a shield surrounding them made of Electricity, it makes them immune to electric attacks, and gives them a mid-air double-jump. The neat part about this shield is that it electro-magnetically attracts nearby Rings to Sonic.

Invincibility Shield

This is NOT like the normal shield, as it makes Sonic completely invincible to incoming attacks.

As the name implies, once in this state Sonic is unable to take damage from enemy attacks, even from people who were previously able to damage him.

Gold Shield

This is sorta like Sega’s Solution to Classic Sonic not having a Homing Attack… this is the normal Shield Monitor but it lets Sonic Homing Attack Targets. (no, really)

It’s just a Golden Shield that lets Sonic Auto Target Enemies nearby, which can be handy if you’re having trouble hitting a target. (but then you’d have to think about 3D Blast…ew)

Time Stop

A box that completely stops time for everyone except the user once broken.

Whenever Sonic uses this Monitor it causes the in-game Timer to completely stop and for all enemies in the area to freeze in place. It’s especially handy for getting out of tricky situations!


A mysterious Monitor that when destroyed will instantly erase all enemies that are on-screen.

Whenever this Monitor is destroyed, all enemies that are on the screen currently get OBLITERATED on the spot SOMEHOW. Given the Eng Version specifies making people vanish & the JP version specifies obliterate, it could supplement it being physical erasure.

(Right Here, Boomers… here’s a Visualization of the Shields if you so fancy)

Kintobor A.I. 

Sonic’s good friend Kintobor had some sort of ‘consciousness’ transferred into a Power Ring before his transformation into Robotnik; while he tends to be in their main headquarters, as a digital consciousness, he’s very easy to carry around within a Wristwatch. Kintobor is one of Sonic’s most versatile allies in terms of what he can do: he can scan the surroundings for enemies, track energy across dimensions or separate energy from a person, hack or take control of tech, he can keep surveillance around ALL zones that have digital hardware or just watch Sonic’s surroundings. Kintobor has even been shown capable of absorbing and separating Energy out of individuals, like how he sucked the ‘Super’ out of Super Sonic. Though more importantly than any of that, Kintobor is a GREAT source of information, he can help Sonic come up with strategic strategies and plans, as he’s a predictive robot, and is often the Brains of the group, not only did he invent the theory of thermodynamic entropy, but at just 4 years old he had an IQ of 268, which is insane! That was just at 4 years old, Eggman has been stated to have an IQ of 300 in Sonic Jam… which given they’re the same person his info is invaluable. He has been hacked in the past, but he’s more recently got SOME level of countermeasures to outside interference, though that’s not to say he couldn’t be hacked again. Outside of that, Kintobor can seemingly break the Fourth Wall to address the audience, and revealed himself to be the narrator and WOG for the story- which raises a LOT of questions, but yeah that’s canon.


While it isn’t very practical in Combat, it is something that Sonic has in his arsenal. He has experience with fighting on top of it, has navigated Tails through fog, and in the Sonic 3 & Knuckles ending piloted it himself. (Still it’s not like it can pilot itself during combat, you could maybe make an argument the Kintobor AI can control it while he fights on top of it)

Aircrafts / Seacrafts

If Sonic or any of the other Freedom Fighters want to travel around the Sky at a rapid rate they have their Aircraft vehicles. Ironically, yeah that’s like literally all they do lol there’s also an Underwater variant that lets them go underwater… though Sonic already has ways to do both (the more the merrier I suppose).


Chao in Fleetway are cuddly little flying creatures that can adapt to anything they eat, which is a LOT more helpful than you’d think. Based on concept art and what we see within the Chao issue, they can absorb the DNA of a person through hair or such, and gain all of the powers and attributes of the individual (aka Power Copying, as seen with Silver’s telekinesis). The Chao are surprisingly VERY physically strong, capable of harming Knuckles after taking his DNA (so it’s most likely they take the stats of whoever they copy as well), and due to Sonic Adventure being canon… Sonic would have a Chao of some kind in his possession, anywhere from 8 to 24 which is a VERY TERRIFYING thing to think about. Outside of that, the Chao can increase their own stats, like Luck, in order to better suit the situation (given y’all don’t want an entire video I’d imagine, it is stated here in the SA1 section of the Sonic wiki). Sonic gets given two Chao no matter what when he enters the Garden in SA1 and can have up to 8 PER garden… there are 3 gardens, so he can have up to a maximum of 24 Chao. (jesus)

Chaos Emeralds

The Chaos Emeralds in the Fleetway canon are mystical gemstones that were separated into Twelve distinct pieces to keep their power restricted, though eventually with Eggman’s influence they were re-fused into six different emeralds; alongside a secret seventh emerald that no one besides Knuckles knew about for a long time. It’s important to realize, that most of Sonic’s super impressive feats were with ONLY 6 emeralds & IT was the split power variants of the emeralds, before they were reforged into Six, they were then charged at the Master Emerald to turn back into the MUCH LARGER Super Emeralds (their fully powered forms, aka lots of upscaling for whoever uses them). The Master Emerald that the Chaos Emeralds derive their energy from has been stated numerous times to be a source of Infinite Energy, outside of that, the Emeralds themselves are said to have the same energy output, and are called the most powerful Energy source in EXISTENCE multiple times. Now… onto abilities, they can do A LOT to benefit the user: they can emit deadly radiation, absorb Evil altering the Mental State of an individual they're in close proximity to, enhance focus and clear the minds of individuals (aka increasing intelligence), absorb and nullify energy with the Control Emerald (a beam that works on people who resist power absorption), fire beams of Chaos Energy, show past or future events in visions of sorts, trap and hold the essence of Souls / Regenerate the User’s Body, taint and change others with Chaos Energy, create shields that can keep out Germs, induce Paralysis, allow for merging of two bodies, let you phase through attacks, transmutes foes, grow to the size of planets, use telekinesis, create alternate timelines you can BFR opponents to, allow time travel, fast forward and reverse time, manipulate age, warp reality and shapeshift, create duplicate clone armies, nullify the powers of an individual by simply yoinking them, send people to other dimensions, petrify others, gain cosmic awareness, inflict mind control / overwrite someone's mind, can likely erase people from reality, & summon anyone from memory as help in combat… though I’mma be real…

Personally I think that it’s a little weird to give Sonic, Eggman’s summons, given they are basically polar opposites of Sonic and I just don’t see him randomly phoning up his enemies in a fight in order to win, especially when he’s so varied himself, he’d likely call up the Freedom Fighters, but ironically Sonic and Eggman are basically the ONLY characters with haxes throughout the entire story, which makes it basically useless for him to do so. Though IF we do say that Sonic gets Summons, then Sonic would get the following Members: Megatox is basically a SUPER-POISON designed to kill Sonic and as you could tell would be good for poisoning foes… Plasma is Intangible due to being made of Pure Electrons allowing most attacks to pass right through him and he can shock foes with energy, the Mettalixes can shoot Electricity & Absorb + Fire Energy, Brutus can control Gravity to help himself fly and is coated in nearly unbreakable armor, and Metamorphia can transform into people to gain their stats and abilities (given when she copied Sonic she explicitly said it was the only way to match his speed).

The Chaos Emeralds can probably do even more ability wise, but I’m just listing what they’ve been expressly shown to do… Chaos Energy is pretty directly described as turning your thoughts into reality and similar powers to the Emeralds have just been stated to be capable of whatever the user can imagine (and have been compared to wish granting; so really there’s potentially infinite possibilities) last but not least, WOG has stated that the Emeralds can even make an individual 1000 times stronger like how it did for Perfect Chaos. The one big downside of the Emeralds is that if they aren't kept in the cold and left out in the open too long, they'll warp back to the Special Zone automatically; thankfully keeping them concealed or turning Super seems to cancel this out (as we have entire arcs of Super Forms just chilling).

Time Stone(s)

The Time Stone can allow a user to travel forwards and backwards in time to great effect. Sonic has used this to alter the past and paradox enemies, as well as assist himself in past battles, making what would normally be one on ones into two on ones. Time Stone’s can protect you from past altering effects just by having one, if you were being erased from time per say, grabbing a Time Stone would nullify and undo the effects. The Time Stone is also capable of altering both Time and Space more efficiently than the Omni Viewers, the God-like beings of the Special Zone. Realistically that means the Time Stone’s should be capable of any time based powers they can do, (which is shown to be the case, so I’ll double down on the scans) their powers include: Time Stopping, Temporal Erasure, Omniscience / Precog (aka, the knowledge of all things throughout Time in this case), can create time rifts, and can accurately pindown the locations of other time travelers. All of this is from just ONE timestone, given the events of CD are canon, it means he’s obtained ALL seven of them. (We love layered stones)

Chaos Tap

The Chaos Tap can completely absorb the Chaos Energy of an entire planet, its capacity to store Energy is sorta crazy, once it’s fully charged it can be detonated in a sort of Planet-Wide Explosion. This doesn’t exactly seem in character, but HONESTLY, BLOW UP THE PLANET SONIC… DO IT!!!

Chaos Containment Collar

Super Sonic snagged and held onto this Collar, he can use it to completely Nullify someones powers and drain their energy while it’s on a target. Though it only works so long as it’s on, meaning if someone snapped it in half per se, it’d negate its effects. Honestly if anything it showcases his ingenuity, as Super Sonic has even used this device to Negate the Grey Emerald’s Power Nullification- and somehow used it to focus and ABSORB the ray into himself. 

Organizer Uniform

This suit is something Sonic picked up inside the Fourth Dimension, it’s clothes made out of a ooze-like liquid that can cover targets, hardening to a point where it’s impossible to move even a millimeter. Meaning it’s a great incapacitation tool against enemies.



Nemesis' trusty vehicle, a Blitzspear called Seth that he tamed as a child, his means of surfing the sea of stars we call the galaxy; it's a sentient creature that Nemesis melded with armor forged from Stars, despite Seth being sentient he uses him like a ship. I don't really know how that works, but apparently they're BORN to do that. Once Nemesis caught his Blitzspear, he infused it with armor from the Nether Worlds, making it much tougher than before; it also seems to be the reason it can survive the vacuum of space. The Blitzspear is super versatile; not only can it be summoned to his side, but it can shoot lasers, forward-firing machine guns, rear firing rockets, communications, a tractor beam, and have a radar, but it can stretch and shift, sorta like an elastic snake, letting it wrap around foes. Though Nemesis' favorite tactic seems to be doing exactly what a Blitzspear is implied to do: SPEAR opponents on that sharp metal nose of it, letting Nemesis ram and slice through enemies. The Blitzspear with great power and versatility aside, eventually has to shed its skin at random intervals… which can blind the driver.

Excessus; The Sword ‘Sinister’

Nemesis' most faithful weapon, the Sword ‘Sinister’, is a blade forged from the ‘Living Metal’ of Stars from his homeworld. It’s a sword that can ‘cleave through steel and beyond’, just seeing the enchanted sword can drive fear into enemies and equally so motivate allies. Even if Nemesis just so happens to throw his sword at an enemy, he can summon it back to his person at any time. It can only be wielded by people with a specific Genetic Code (YOU’RE NOT WORTHY!!!), he obtained it from its rightful wielder by killing the adventurer RIGHT AFTER he took 15 years to find it.


Nemesis for some reason has a crossbow shaped like an Alien Bird, it fires incredibly large spears at foes to impale them. (Why is he stanced up like that)



Machine Pistol

It’s a pistol that’s rapid-fire and bolsters an incredible magazine size… but yeah, it’s just another gun.

Ray Pistol

If Nemesis is feeling spicy he can burn his foes to a crisp with laser rays from his Ray Pistol, it’s a LASER gun.

Rapid-Fire Boomstick

It’s a RAPID-FIRE Boomstick that can fire off 17 SHOTS back to back without reloading, he has engraved shells for it as well… HE SLAYS. With guns


Nemesis has been seen multiple times with a Trident that he can use to impale enemies, also GOD HE IS HUGE IN COMPARISON TO THE TRIDENT, why is dude like 7’4.


Sometimes Nemesis likes riding atop of a spear so that he can impale people AND fight at the same time, oddly effective. Though the laws of physics would like to have a word with you bucko…


Lots of promotions show him wielding a Kusarigama which is a chain-like weapon that bears blades at its ends. GET OVER HERE


The Pandemonium is a musical device that forces individuals to have illusory images implanted into their minds that drive them to act VERY different than they normally would, sort of like a combination controlling your emotions and affecting your mind. He primarily used it to send the Terminators into a rampage where they all turned against each other and fought to the death… honestly just plug your ears smh

Stolen Grimoire

Nemesis stole a book full of spells from his Uncle, which gives him potentially hundreds of different ways to use his magic creatively. It’s also very likely the reason Nemesis knows so much, idk though… that’s kinda mean Nemesis.

Spirit Elixir

Nemesis can use this to force their Spirit State without dying, letting his Spirit leave his body where he has full control over it (Spirit Capabilities seen in the Ability Section). 

Animal Familiars

Nemesis sometimes when he doesn’t feel like flying himself uses what looks to be Griphon to fly around, he has a CUTE alien dog that consumes the hearts of his victims (HOW LOVELY), Nemesis also stole his Uncle’s little helper who used to translate languages but erm- yeah he’s dead.

Time Radar

It’s a Radar that keeps track of temporal phenomenon all across Time and Space and alerts Nemesis to potential threats or energy surges.

Ambar Stone

The Ambar Stone is a Gemstone that can suck a soul out of someone's body and seal it away, though it requires Nemesis to be in contact with an individual for a prolonged amount of time and needs total concentration… When Nemesis was distracted Torquemada’s spirit managed to break free despite how Nemesis’ tried to regain control.


Nemesis just really likes playing music sometimes, it beats killing people all the time I suppose. Though sorta just seems to be playing into his random chaotic theme, this dude never brings this up ever again.


Nemesis just sorta has a habit of bringing around instruments as weapons, one of his most common being a Guitar. (Not sure if he knows how to play it though) Regardless it’s a very nice weapon to hit people with.


If Nemesis is feeling like driving like a normal person he has his own motorcycle, though why would you need this when you have a sentient spaceship or can literally fly-

Drippy Suit (he dripped out)

HE’S DRIPPED OUT, who decided to make this dude so spiffy.


Fleetway Sonic

Speed Based Techniques

Spin Attack / Spindash

One of the most iconic moves in Videogame History, the Spindash is extremely versatile and great for dealing with enemies while quickly building speed. Spin-Attacking can create Afterimages, though unlike the games, he has much better control over it, he’s actually precisely calculating where he’ll land and how fast he has to go to hit certain trajectories, to the point of allowing Sonic to drift through the air akin to Knuckles gliding. On Top of this he has three different variants he’s come up with over his comic run! The Super Spin Attack which is a stronger and faster variant of the normal spindash, the Blast Attack which can interact with and harm Hard-Light Energy designed to counter Spin Dashes on a ‘Pixel Level’ (aka EVEN stronger), and last but not least… Super-Super-Super Sonic Mode, which goes SO incredibly fast that people who are normally relative to him in speed, assume he’s turning invisible. He can also… use himself like a screwdriver.

Sonic Buzzsaw

Sonic can wind up his legs incredibly fast, turning his legs into LITERAL energy-projected buzzsaws in order to rip and tear through anything in sight. (Literally the most unsafe thing I’ve ever seen).

Super-Sonic Kick

If Sonic ever needs to launch someone far away, he can use a Super-Sonic kick to launch somebody into Space… he just never mentions this scene again. ☠️


Now this may not sound that impressive, but when one of Sonic’s most WELL KNOWN weaknesses is his inability to swim in game canon, he’s actually LEARNED how to swim in Fleetway (as seen above). He has multiple showings of this, even in the Sonic 1 Flashback sequence, and if this wasn’t enough has his own Swim Suit to breathe underwater.


This is Fleetway’s goto for attacking, he can manipulate air in an almost indefinite number of ways, he quickly makes new powers on the spot with his manipulation of air molecules. He can make cyclones, snowstorms, sandstorms, or tornadoes, liquify the ground to trap individuals, create smokescreens, make wind funnels to slow a person's fall, make vortexes to cause updrafts, redirect gas or poison in the air, create cocoons of speed to trap opponents in, and redirect attacks that come into contact with his wind.

Molecule Manipulation

This one’s pretty simple, Sonic can manipulate molecules in the air primarily described by himself as vibrating at rapid speeds. He can use this to loosen bindings, heat up his body, shake things apart at a molecular level breaking through most material, rearrange and mix a person’s overall structure, or make molecular shields to protect against and harm enemies simultaneously. This is how Sonic does the Insta-Shield ability from Sonic 3, it’s literally just molecular manipulation, which is honestly pretty nifty, as he can use any contact with an enemy to propel himself upwards and gain brief invulnerability.

Danger Sense

Sometimes this is just a random plotpoint (that also appears in the Novels), while it’s not heavily explored it does cause his spikes to quiver, warning Sonic if something bad is going to happen imminently! While that is extremely helpful, he doesn’t really know WHAT’S coming- regardless it’s still nice to have an indicator. It also helps him smell bad-odor which like, bro, Sonic what the hell are you cooking with that one… what do you even USE that FOR.

Perception Slowing

Sonic when really pushing his speed to its limit has his perception slow to a point where everyone around him is seemingly frozen, he compares it to making hours feel like seconds. In this state his senses are too heightened to actually turn it off, requiring him to Sleep to make it wear off.

‘Hyper Mode’

In Sonic the Fighters you can activate a state called ‘Hyper Mode’ which causes you to act WAY faster than usual, meaning it can be used for constant follow ups without delay. 

(Just tech it)

Toon Force / Fourth Wall Awareness

Fleetway has plenty of feats like this, he can do the generic Toon Force stuff you’d find in a typical Looney Tunes episode: He can phase through non-existent walls (aka painted tunnels, as seen above), completely ignore traps due to speed, briefly ignore gravity, and pull stuff out of nowhere. He’s been consistently shown to address the audience & acknowledge that he himself is within a story, which plays into the idea that he knows about the Fourth Wall… in fact he’s literally DESTROYED IT before (and he’s directly asked Players for help…) Though Fleetway’s MOST impressive showing of Toon Force, is when he completely exited his Comic to the Storyboard… and not just any Storyboard, he goes to a STORYBOARD ABOVE THE STORYBOARD, where he can manipulate the Plot and erase any lower comic editors from existence. He can also appear in stories he shouldn’t exist in, edit Stories even if he isn’t outside the Comic, or become completely invisible to others by leaving outside the panels and attacking from a different panel… which like- WOW THAT’D BE USEFUL, fucking ABUSE that more Sonic, that’s OP. 


This may be the weirdest sentence I’ve ever uttered before, but Fleetway has a non-existent Elephant Freedom Fighter that is only apparent to him that gives him info and helps attack enemies. No one else can recognize his existence, but he can make a clear physical impact on Sonic’s plane of reality, usually he’ll hang back to give Sonic advice in battle or give heads up on his surroundings, but other times he’ll just straight up help in combat. It’s only ever brought up a SINGLE TIME, but like YEAH he has this, I’m sure it has some uses but like… why does he have this.

Evolution / Adapting

Chaos Creatures like Robotnik, Super Sonic, and Chaos… can all go through an evolutionary process where they improve themselves in every way (as shown above). Chaos Creatures can also adapt to anything they’re exposed to long enough, when Eggman was turned into a solid chunk of Emerald, he adapted to that change and became capable of moving as an emerald. The adaptation isn’t really as crazy as it seems, it’s only come up a handful of times, and isn’t explored super thoroughly… though if there’s a hax that takes a decent amount of time to complete, I’d argue Super can adapt and resist it. Snooping as Usual, I see.

Super Sonic

This is the driving force behind the Fleetway comic run, his most iconic form, Super Sonic!~ Originally when Sonic was blasted with emerald radiation it created an alter ego that can come out and change his body whenever Sonic absorbs too much ring energy, absorbs too much Negative Chaos Energy (which he does passively), or becomes too stressed. While Super Sonic does share memories with Sonic, he’s completely different from everybody's favorite Blue Blur. Super actually despises Sonic’s weakness, he wants to be his own person that can wreak havoc, so when he temporarily got split from Sonic he tried to kill him. Unlike what most seem to perceive him as, he’s not exactly crazy; he craves destruction, but he’s often really smart about how he goes about his murder schemes. He’s patiently waited for Sonic to show up before, showing he can hold back his bloodlust, not only that but he’s made well-thought out plans from within Sonic’s subconscious (meaning he can make 4D chess plans while Sonic is in a battle). Though don’t mistake his lax attitude for weakness, while he may toy around with enemies he deems weaker than him, when he’s fighting someone of an equal level or decently strong he often DOESN’T hold back and goes for Kill Shots instantly. Now with the basics out of the way, let’s dive into what Super can actually do without Emerald abilities: He can fly, vaporize people with the lasers he shoots from his eyes, he also has a spread shot variant, cause spontaneous explosions, create force fields, superheat his body over 1 million degrees, create electromagnetic pulses (though this does seem to deplete his power), absorb the energy of others, sense energy signatures, create shockwaves, seemingly make Clones, form energy constructs (mf can make Susanos), and regenerate a Physical Body from just PURE energy. In fact, even completely draining Sonic of his Chaos Radiation won’t get rid of Super Sonic, as seen with Eggman that Emerald Energy will accumulate to corrupt the individual once more. Last, but not least, by his own admission Super has described himself as unharmable… which by itself may seem a little bit of a NLF (No Limits Fallacy), but given games are canon there are multiple statements of Super Sonic being physically completely invincible, (games like Fighters makes this REALLY clear) as well as multiple guides and personal statements of making people invincible! (And NO, he does NOT know how to rap) 

Hyper Sonic

This is the natural successor to Super Sonic, once Sonic was separated from Super, and the Emeralds were purified leaving them neutral… he was capable of harnessing whichever variant he wanted. This led to the use of a much stronger energy, POSITIVE Chaos Energy. The Drakons stated that they had NEVER seen a stronger energy reading, despite having surveillance all over Mobius, so even when compared to Super Sonic and God Robotnik… Hyper is stronger. Hyper Sonic is naturally better than Super Sonic in every way, harnessing the Master Emerald in unison with the Super Emeralds. While it may not have many powers at least, yet… what we do know is that Hyper Sonic is essentially like Gear 5 Luffy. He harnesses the more toon force aspect of his world, he’s capable of seeing future events or faraway places with Comic Panels, he can fly between comic panels, he can shake the very panels around him just by transforming, he should have ALL the same abilities as Super Sonic, and he gets a sick ass rainbow aura to boot. Given the games are canon, he’d also have the Hyper Flash, a move that unleashes a flash of light that harms anyone caught inside of it, instantly killing weaker enemies. Hyper Sonic is so fast that in comparison to Sonic’s normal speed, it literally makes a completely synonymous after-image of himself. 

Chaos Control

Super learned Shadow’s Chaos Control just from seeing it a single time and managed to perfect it, earning the spatial teleportation that it normally provides (even across other dimensions which can be used to BFR). Though Chaos Control has A LOT of different applications. You can attract Chaos Energy, Freeze Time, Slow Time to a Crawl, Manipulate Chaos Energy and Chaos Beings, or just inflict pain.

Force Fields

While Sonic can create his own Barriers out of thin-air, Super has a built-in energy field that completely protects his body from damage. It’s seemingly passive as just existing causes this aura to form, it’s a quite handy tool to stay safe as you’d imagine.

Luck Manipulation

This one’s pretty simple, in the Adventure Books for Fleetway you can manipulate your actions (not just Fighting, but everything) to always be successful as long as you roll high enough. That in itself is not why it’s luck manipulation, basically, the roll deficit gets smaller and smaller the higher Sonic’s stats are meaning it's way easier for him to get lucky… thus he ‘controls his luck’. Sonic has also been shown to be extremely adept at succeeding even with EXTREMELY low odds, when Mettalix gave Sonic a 2% chance of survival, he sorta just… survived.

N.P.I. (Non-Physical Interaction)

In Sonic 3 (which is canon to Sonic the Comic), Sandopolis Zone has Ghost enemies that Sonic and the gang can disrupt by attacking them in any way physically (as seen above; which is N.P.I.). There is a single example of Ghosts in Fleetway being untouchable / unharmable (which like- he’s very clearly a special kind of ghost narratively regardless), but this is contradicted SEVERAL times by Knuckles throughout the Series. Knuckles is never hinted at having some sort of special ability to harm Ghosts, he just can. Even disregarding that, Sonic & Eggman can interact with comic panels via ramming into it or touching them which is still NPI. Meaning it’s almost a guarantee that at least NOWADAYS, the cast more consistently can harm Ghosts.

Self Sustenance 

Sonic in the series doesn’t have a problem breathing in space, not only has he traveled to Little Planet in his base form… but in Sonic 3 he could breathe in space as Super Sonic. Super Sonic in the comic can also breathe in space. Hyper Sonic flew between Planets and pushed one back in its place without requiring air. Not only that, but Super is never really shown to eat, sleep, or get tired… This isn’t to say he CAN’T sleep, but it’s only ever occurred ONE time and it’s when he lost his memories and power, with his powers he’s never done anything of the sort. In the future timeline he was fighting the Freedom Fighters for 70 years (AND was still in peak condition); as long as he has Chaos Energy to keep him going he can act indefinitely (otherwise without Chaos Energy Super would die lol).

Chaos Wave

The Chaos Wave does... well... a LOT of things; you could think of it as what happens when the Chaos Emeralds go all out. When they were thrown into the ‘Big Bang’ at the start of the Universe, CHAOS seeped into everything, causing an INVISIBLE wave of energy to WARP REALITY and corrupt the entire Cosmology at all points in time. The notion of physics itself would VANISH, with it being replaced by this INSANITY (Nemesis approves). It was doing this at an atomic level... there’s a few things to consider. Since it’s literally REMOVING Physics themselves, it’s likely referring to Physics as a concept… as it’s a fundamental aspect of reality, which, believe it or not, is sorta backed up. Given it was going to affect the entire cosmology, it’d include stuff like the Cyberspace, which is a place where pure information makes up the Building Blocks of reality. It’s important to specify what Information Manipulation is—as it’s a little bit confusing. Information Manipulation is VERY similar to Concept Manipulation, in the vein that it’s a little bit less abstract. It includes stuff that you would assume to be Information, such as your Mind, Body, and Soul... in this case making them so UNINTELLIGIBLE that your information basically doesn’t know what to make of you, changing you on ALL levels in unforeseen ways, which, as you could expect, would incapacitate you as you’re just the equivalent of a jumbled mess of code. Given Physics themselves would have ceased to be (as it states it would have caused it to VANISH and THEN replace it, in that order…), it’s safe to say that the Chaos Wave can change and erase concepts and information.


Demon Physiology

Warlocks are in short-terms, Demons… like they’re literally just Demons. Spawned in the Nether Worlds which is Hell, they’re naturally resistant to fire (See Resistances Section), they have acidic blood, and are naturally gifted in Magic. They can go days without Air and it’s implied he may not even need any at all.

Soul Physiology

Nemesis when separated from his body can become a soul that gives him TONS of benefits. He can become invisible, become intangible, can grow in size, possess others (with the possessed individual having their physiology affected when the host leaves), and regenerate inside their bodies from nothing but his soul (and likely even further beyond), gain the ability to fly as seen above, and with the benefit of still having access to his powers. The only downside is if his soul dies, his physical body dies, and if he’s separated from his body for TOO long he’ll get progressively weaker and just sorta fade out of existence. Torquemada nearly faded away after a week, though this time can be extended through the absorption of people.


Nemesis has showcased that he can regenerate entire chunks of his body by performing a ritual where his alignment to Khaos becomes ‘reborn’.

N.P.I. (Non-Physical Interaction)

Nemesis has showcased PLENTY of times that he can harm non-physical spiritual beings with his powers. Who would have guessed, magic is magic.

Enhanced Scent???

Nemesis on his Riku or something because he can SMELL evil from a person's MIND…????? I don’t know what this dude is cooking.

Psychic Avatar Creation

Nemesis can construct Psychic Avatars that can aid him, Torquemada’s soul was nearly destroyed in the fight with it.

Psychic Detection

Torquemada after JUST becoming a spirit was able to detect people on a planet halfway across the galaxy by honing in on their ‘psychic emanations’, which given Nemesis is more experienced on the Psychic Plane should be something he can do as well. (He’s detected Souls and alignments after all- as seen above)


Nemesis can use his telekinesis to bind people in place and throw things as you’d see normal TK users do. Though this is a bit more unique, it’s implied that at all times Nemesis is emitting ‘Psychic Radiation’ of varying degrees depending on how much of his power he’s using.

Forcefield Creation

Nemesis can create Psychic Barriers to keep people and attacks out, which is backed up by how his Son Thoth is referenced capable of the same.

Mind Control

Nemesis has always had a knack for psychic abilities, but one of his favorites is affecting the minds of others. He can use it to POUR his thoughts right into the minds of others (as seen with Thoth here) making them bend to his will, even better, he’s gotten so good with it that people who used to resist it ARE still affected by the end of the series. He’s used it in more interesting ways as well, like curing people of their insanity.

Image Creation

Pretty simple, Nemesis can make illusory images that he can show to people, whether it be for exposition or more nefarious purposes.


This is Nemesis goto ability, he usually uses it to disguise himself as ‘Mr Smith’ (as seen above) while he goes around the galaxy… y’know so he doesn’t get jumped by Torquemada’s men. Though he can also use it to summon illusory monsters that are so potent that they can actually harm you.

Construct Creation

Nemesis seems to be able to use the Embers from his flame breath to make tangible constructs, Warlock Holmes at your service.

Mind Reading

Nemesis uses this tactic a lot in a battle, being able to know your opponent's next move before they even do it is an extremely helpful tactic. Though even MORE helpful it allows him to PROBE a person's memories to see their past even while in the middle of a fight; which as you can imagine is super helpful.

Memory Erasure

Nemesis uses this ability a lot, though most blatantly was when he used it on Purity. When he originally saved her, he showcased a very well- EVIL personality. He wiped their meeting entirely from her memory and put her to sleep, he’s also erased entire memory segments with just a wave of his hand… It's SUPER helpful for when you want someone to forget something or want to just turn them into a couch potato mentally.


Nemesis’ son was capable of seeing him from across Time and Space, this is with no training whatsoever… he sorta just self taught himself.


Nemesis can speak into your mind directly with telepathy. I mean yeah- it’s telepathy, what more can it do…

Fear Manipulation

Nemesis can instill fear into enemies on such a level that it paralyzes them, the manager above literally felt like his SOUL was being SUCKED from his body after looking at Nemesis for just a few seconds.

Venom Flame Breath

Nemesis’ most iconic attack he can charge energy beams like blasts from his mouth, shooting a stream of superheated poisonous fire. He can even shoot it in a fireball variant, though he himself has admitted he can only shoot a limited amount per battle.


While Nemesis does have Flame Breath, he’s also showcased that he can shoot fire right out of his hands.

Acid Spit

The Acid Spit is pretty straight forward, he shoots a ball of Acid that can melt through pretty much anything it hits… it’s best to be careful around something that dangerous.

Wind Manipulation

Nemesis after stealing his Uncle’s Grimoire was able to command the winds themselves, summoning wave after wave of wind out of thin air. He was even capable of kicking up dust and mist to make it harder to see.


Official material suggests that Nemesis can freeze things on contact, honestly pretty handy.


Nemesis can make Ectoplasmic Clones, basically spiritual duplicates, which are super convincing. They are physical and tangible beings as shown by them coming into physical contact with others above. (Like they’re quite literally just duplicates of Nemesis)


Nemesis only used this a handful of times though most impressively is when he phased a Bomb from out of someone's skull without damaging them at all internally.


Another ability that Khaos granted his followers was the magic to turn invisible, which disregarding Nemesis’ soul form, he should be able to do normally given Deadlock could.


Nemesis was able to completely incapacitated Torquemada for 1 Billion Years by absorbing the both of them into the Blitzspear as a sort of final desperation move.

Darkness Mimicry

Nemesis can turn into the Shadows themselves and change back at his own leisure. Being able to sneak around and blend in is something I envy.

‘Evil-Eye’ Curses (Likely Motor Function Manipulation + Animal Manipulation)

When Nemesis was put on some gallows early into the story he decided to have some fun rather than fighting and killing the villagers himself. He utilized some sort of Clairvoyance as he produced curses that killed the villagers in unique ways: one villager seemingly got a dose of bad luck being forced to ‘ACCIDENTLY’ cut off his own hand, another was choked to death by Snakes that tied themselves like a noose around his neck, and a third was eaten alive by a horde of black flies. His flies are actually one of his most potent animal summons, for he is the Lord of the Flies… he can summon hordes of Black Flies which can devour an opponent's flesh and can take advantage of their small size to get through armor.


In the Adventure Game once Torquemada becomes ‘impure’ enough, Nemesis uses his magic to turn him into an Egg. He’s done similar stuff to others, like turning someone into a Tomato with a face.


Nemesis has the ability to turn the dead into Zombie slaves, but more impressive than that, if he manages to get a hold of your heart he can convert you into a Zombie even before you die… I don’t get the logistics on that, but it’s a man after your own heart❣️Though there is ONE flaw with the zombies, they have a similar mentality to what they had when they died, meaning past alliances will be remembered and such… if they find a leader better than Nemesis they will sorta just jump ship. (though IN ALL fairness… Nemesis was being distracted here, Torquemada just kinda got so mad he ignored the control)

Power Nullification

Nemesis was able to neutralize Thoth’s powers, which were explicitly GREATER than his own, though at the cost of temporarily depowering the both of them.

Wish Granting (Age Manipulation + Transmutation)

Nemesis felt like doing a sufficient amount of trolling, so in the middle of the night he went up to this general and struck a deal with him. He said he’d make ANY three wishes he wanted come true, as long as he left the planet. He wished for money, courage to stand up to Torquemada, and to be young and handsome. So Nemesis spawned some money, changed his personality to be more confident, and when he left the planet… well- he turned into Nemesis’ idea of ‘YOUNG AND HANDSOME’ which meant completely changing his physiology and age (as seen above).

Reality Warping

It’s explained that on a Planetary scale, Nemesis made a ‘Psychic Sheat’ which turns thoughts into reality. Anything that people thought of during this period would warp and change the world in fascinating ways. If someone wanted Torquemada to die, he’d die as long as the thought persisted, wanting him to fall out of a building…? WOOSH there he goes. You start thinking up some sort of nightmare creature, it appears out of thin air… ANYTHING you think up will occur as your wishes become reality, and reality itself twists around you.

Statistics + Physics Manipulation

During the Choose your Adventure game, Nemesis was able to lower Torquemada’s stats, which includes stuff like Attack, Intelligence, Perception, and Luck (as seen above). Though this likely means Nemesis can lower other things as well… It's also implied in the bottom right corner of the first panel that Nemesis can change the laws of reality.


Nemesis seems to have access to the Demonic Dinosaur from 2000AD, Satanus. He summoned him to do battle against the Monad in an official video production by the comics’ creators. Satanus can breathe fire when commanded by a Warlock and has the unique ability to corrupt anyone who consumes his blood, by altering their DNA and changing them into monsters... he can even possess people who drink his blood. Even his Son Thoth was able to summon Judges from the 2000AD verse. Nemesis can also summon his ‘inner-demons’ to do battle with enemies, they’re mostly just to improve his number of allies on the field. To add onto that, Deadlock was able to create a creature from his entire groups’ memories in order to defeat the Monad.

Levitation (Anti-Gravity)

Nemesis does this a lot in the series, the most logical explanation is that he’s using his psychic aura to lift and lower himself as his leisure, like how a lot of Psychics do in fiction… It's basically the equivalent of psychic flight. He even uses it to float when he doesn’t feel like walking.

Resilient Immortality

In the Choose Your Adventure game, Nemesis was able to make Torquemada immortal, despite being impaled all throughout his body and brain he was completely fine. Meaning he could use the same ability on himself. (also whoa wtf is he yapping about in this panel)

Self Sustenance

His son disabled the ability for his Blitzspear to breathe in space, so it’s very likely that Nemesis can grant himself the ability to breathe in space (or rather it makes it more likely that this is the reason he doesn’t need air)

Sleep Manipulation

Nemesis with just a wave of his fingers can put a person to sleep, which as you’d imagine is very handy in a versus scenario.


He can grow extremely big due to some sort of innate ability, while you’d think this is an illusion of some sort- no, he’s literally grown as big as skyscrapers to fight Kaijus like the Monad (though he’s obviously a little smaller). And as seen above he can grow himself to as large as a literal planet (if perspective is to be believed, that orb is Earth for comparison).

Dance of Death (Possession Negation)

This dance ensures that a Soul can’t possess anybody while near Nemesis. Yeah pretty straight forward.

Tech Manipulation

As stated in the scan above, Nemesis was capable of ‘reprogramming’ the ABC Warriors to help him in his quest, basically scarring them for life in the process LMFAO, though it does imply he can manipulate the minds and info of AI.


Nemesis, after talking with Torquemada during the choose your adventure game, vanishes and appears at the end of the game to wait for him, all the way across a city… It's safe to say that it’s teleportation.

Dimensional Travel

Nemesis ended up learning a Dimensional Portal spell from his Uncle that allows him to create portals to other dimensions. He’s even been able to just… teleport people before without a portal to another dimension (for Torquemada winning in a game he teleports his wife back to Termight).

Time Manipulation / Time Travel

Nemesis traveled back through time to look for his Son utilizing his Spirit to travel with no consequences, though his Son was able to time travel without doing this via creating time tunnels (it stands to reason he can just do it normally too)... an important thing to note is that while he can Time Travel, he does not like to interfere with Absolute points in Time unless he thinks it’s necessary. His son, a fellow Warlock named Thoth, was able to manipulate time to loop Torquemada’s death indefinitely with no hope of escaping… you’ll never reach the truth.

The Words of Power (Chaos Absorption)

Deadlock and Nemesis were both taught the same things by Khaos (and are both the highest rank of the Astral Plane), this spell appears to be the pinnacle of both their work. The ‘Words of Power’ was enough to match that of the Monad, a pan-dimensional being who absorbed the energy of a Black Hole destroying Time and Space. To quote what these Words did, “Words are the weapons of the imagination with which my spirit shall soar to equal even the Monad's foul fantasies. Look at these scenes... let your spirit soar! Khaos isn't sick... it is wild and free... and undisciplined. To ride its winds I must contemplate it in all its anarchic glory... absorb its force... transforming it into a force of the will... and become... LORD OF KHAOS! He utters words I have never heard before... he-- or whatever creature lurks inside him... words that take on a life of their own... words of power. Words that defeat beasts-- destroys demons-- shrivel tentacles. And make spirits soar. The monad reverts into a ball of electrical energy looking for a host to hide in." Basically… this attack ABSORBS Chaos itself to drain the power of whoever it touches, creating Chaotic Beasts that upscale the Monad itself… which well- FEED off of chaos.


Fleetway Sonic

  • Mind Control - I’mma be real, Sonic is basically the epitome of ‘I’m not getting Mind Controlled’, Eggman has tried to physical control his mind with a Badnik Armor, a dedicated machine that literally DRAINS the fight out of him, hypnotism beams, mind altering technology meant to make him live out an alternative reality, a full on mind rework, and more… this dude does NOT care (Issue 4)

  • Fire Resistance / Magma Resistance - This one is pretty simple, Sonic has completely ignored heat from flames on multiple occasions and has superheated himself to Millions of Degrees with no side effects (Issue 7) 

  • Poison Resistance - Megatox is literally SUPER Poison designed to KILL him specifically and he just sorta DOESN’T care most of the time, he swims in the stuff like it’s water (Issue 10)

  • Possible Memory Erasure / Memory Loss - It’s very likely he has SOMEEEE sort of resistance to Memory Erasure, not a dedicated one, but more like… he can hold someone off from doing it for awhile, and has recovered from losing memories before via Amnesia so it stands to reason he possibly could resist it (Issue 12) 

  • Radiation Resistance - Chaos Energy is literally radioactive, there’s not much to talk about when it comes to it. (Issue 27) 

  • Temporal Erasure - Not only did he survive the Mettalix overwriting the past which SHOULD have affected Sonic in the future, but the Time Stones can stop someone from getting paradoxed (Issue 69) 

  • Time Stopping - Pretty Simple, even during a timestop Super Sonic could still partially move very early on in the series, and with a timestone it’s been shown characters like Infinite can move even when time is completely frozen (Issue 98)

  • Illusions - It’s not necessarily that he RESISTS illusions, it’s more so that he’s REALLY good at calling them out, there was basically nothing implying that what was happening was Illusionary in any regard, but he sorta just came to the conclusion out of nowhere (Issue 113)

  • Fate Manipulation - There’s been times where Sonic has been fated to do something, but outright denied it, because he’s Sonic the Hedgehog (Issue 118)

  • Mind Reading - Super Sonic has a natural defense against Mind Reading which is to instill fear into an opponent, outside of that it’s not really ‘protecting’ his Mind from being read (Issue 118) 

  • Power Nullification - Ignored the Chaos Control Collar and ignored a beam of energy from the Grey Emerald (Issue 118) 

  • Partial Transmutation - The adaptation that comes with being a Chaos Creature can allow Sonic to move even if he WAS transmuted into something, which is pretty handy (Issue 127) 

  • Energy Absorption - Chaos Creatures have ignored Power Draining Before, Sonic ignored the Chaos Emeralds absorbing negative energy out of people (in the same scene where it does it), and he’s ignored Eggman’s attempts at absorbing his Chaos Energy during the battle with Nega-Wisp (Issue 127)

  • Possible Petrification - You could argue that Eggman in his time of anger wasn’t worried about accidentally turning Sonic to stone, but he is LITERALLY steaming, so it’s very likely that it washed over him but he just resisted it (Issue 130)

  • Time Loops - Has been shown to recall time-loops even after looping multiple consecutive times, to be clear he has no dedicated resistance to it, his best bet is leaving (Issue 131) 

  • Partial Size Manipulation - More So in the sense that he should be able to revert from whatever size changes occur to him thanks to the Pills that he took from Fang (Issue 148) 

  • Fear Manipulation - Ignored Chaos’ fear manipulation with his insane willpower, which was so strong that people struggled to move at all (Issue 175) 

  • Sealing - It was ineffective against Base Sonic who has Chaos Energy inside him and couldn’t seal away Super Sonic as he briefly resisted its effects (Issue 226)

  • Electricity Resistance - He jumps headfirst into Electricity and is fine, pretty straight forward (Summer 1994) 

  • Plot Manipulation - Can outright just DENY the readers’ suggestions whenever he wants, he got so mad at the player for making bad decisions in the Adventure Game he forced them to make a different choice (Metal City Mayhem)

  • Reality Warping - Sonic and Shadow were in the middle of the Special Zone as it was erased and completely reformed, changing it, with neither of them being affected despite how the inhabitants of the Universe were (Online 233)

  • Possible Mind Swapping - Was capable of reverting a Mind Swapping tactic that one of his enemies used, though it’s a bit vague (Online 242) 

  • Cold Resistance - He’s been to the inhospitable vacuum of space, trampled by snow, completely frozen solid, and been to the Tundra BARE NAKED, but he’s completely fine (Sonic 3) 


(His Books really don’t have numbered pages so you you’ll have to settle for just Scans)

  • Fear Manipulation - Deadlock has ignored Mental Shutdown Shells which is basically a Genjutsu, it shows you the equivalent of ‘1000s of deaths’ and the LITERAL end of the world, driving you so madly insane that they LITERALLY kill you… mfs ANSWER was that Nemesis’ and Deadlock’s master Khaos was so MUCH scarier that he just didn’t care, WHAT. It’s also stated at multiple points that Warlock’s have Psychic Auras protecting their minds

  • Partial Atom Manipulation - It’s shown to us that the Blitzspears’ armor is capable of ignoring the Sea of Souls, which rips you apart and melts you at an atomic level, Nemesis’ is covered head to toe in the same Metal aside from his mouth

  • Poison Resistance - He climbs Poisonous Web bare-handed, it’s stated that the Spider who made them has Venom that is SO potent that it could kill Hundreds of different humans with a single bite… Nemesis just doesn’t care about poison I guess

  • Fire Resistance - It’s stated multiple times within the story, that not only Warlocks, but Nemesis is completely immune to fire. He literally BATHES in Magma, his deodorant is LITERAL fire, and he’s been hit with hundreds of separate Fire Attacks over his journey just to walk through them like a G.

  • Mind Control - Nemesis has ignored Magna's mind control when he got REALLY mad, he ignored the mind altering effects of Nirvana's chalice of blood which calls to you and forces you to drink from it driving you insane.

  • Mind Reading - Pretty simple no one in Termight is capable of detecting Nemesis, despite how they have FUCKING thought detector vans which can scan your minds and dreams, and ontop of that he has a natural built-in psychic aura that protects against such attacks.

  • Power Nullification - Nemesis when he gets serious was capable of completely ignoring the Power Nullification effects of the Hammer of Warlocks, getting past its nullification shield and affecting Torquemada.

  • Radiation - This one is probably the simplest, not only is Nemesis ALWAYS giving off an aura of Psychic Radiation around himself by using his powers, but he’s eaten a LITERAL radiated heart before with no problems whatsoever.

  • Possible Temporal Erasure - It's very likely that Nemesis' world in general isn't affected by Temporal Events, as MAJOR changes to the past, like killing ALL of Torquemada's descendants which included MOST dictators in history, didn't affect the present world whatsoever. Like in that vein it makes sense, as it’s literally the fundamental way that the world works, and it’s inevitable that IN some way it’d effect Nemesis, afterall if Torquemada’s descendants didn’t exist, Torquemada would just vanish out of nowhere, & Nemesis would never be motivated to help Earth.


Fleetway Sonic

“In the old days, Super Sonic was just an evil version of me... I changed into him at times of great stress! But if he does come back, we'll deal with it... we always do!"

  • Wanted Across Three Different Universes.

  • Beat Megatox while Poisoned, an army of 1000 Mettalix, and fought Robotnik in a hopeless future where he became God.

  • Saved all of existence from being overwritten by Imaginary Creatures.

  • Lost his best friend Johnny to Chaos… IRONIC.

  • Defeated all of the Freedom Fighters in a future timeline, including: Silver, Shadow, Knuckles, Shortfuse, Tails, Amy, Vector, Espio, Mighty, and Charmy I guess…

  • Consumes over one hundred thousand calories every single day.

  • Broke out of a cage that reverses Kinetic Energy.

  • Saved the Indians. Yep no further context needed.

  • Got Dragged to Hell by Genies.

  • Beat up Santa Claus, on ACCIDENT, ofcourse.


Power & Durability

(saves room as power scales to durability in most cases)

Sonic has been stated to be the strongest Source of Energy in the Universe by the Drakon Empire when he transformed into Hyper Sonic, which would exceed that of the Master Emerald (which houses Infinite energy), and literally every other feat in the series.


It’s important to realize that there’s multiple statements from WOG of Sonic being the fastest there is, Sonic even deemed himself to be the fastest in Existence, so it should be safe to scale him to any Speed feat in the series. (Plus there’s the fact that Hyper had the highest energy reading in the series, Energy = Speed as answered in the QNA) Dragon Ball Logic, amirite?


Sonic’s willpower and pure Stamina is something that many people would envy, he hardly keeps up with his own needs, whenever we cut back to him he’s awake and raring to go. Which as you’d expect would mean he has a lot of impressive feats when it comes to Stamina.



(I had to)

Tails is often portrayed as the weakest member of the Freedom Fighters and he’s literally Sonic’s sidekick, pretty easy to say they scale, even if you ignore games. Not to say that Tails isn’t strong in his own right, but man, SONIC does not need any validation, blud is literally a little kid, PUNT THAT FOX SONIC!


Knuckles doesn’t Chuckle.  Sonic and Knuckles have a HEATED rivalry and Sonic has admitted as much that Knuckles is stronger, but it’s not a big enough gap to justify Sonic not scaling. Whenever they DO fight, Sonic keeps up really well.


This one is a little more obscure, but the two of them had a battle that ended in a Stalemate, they matched each other pretty well physically. Shortfuse is pretty much a consistent mid-tier in the series regardless, so the scaling-chain makes sense.

Amy & Tekno

Amy and Sonic have fought before and Sonic is known to be a character that holds back, it stands to reason that he’d scale to her physically and upscale her in speed. (As he’s literally blitzed her perception before) Amy and Tekno are physically on the weaker side compared to the other Freedom Fighters.


Shadow is one of Sonic’s most formidable opponents throughout the Online run, though when Sonic REALLY got serious, he absolutely demolished Shadow. He was in fact, NOT, the ultimate lifeform, Sonic mixed him so hard he literally got written out of the plot… thanks STC writers, please bring back Cyber Shadow… 🙁


(This dude has done like literally nothing yet, this dude can THROW buildings and Mountains in the Games and Archie but has literally done NOTHING yet, his best feat is getting FRAUD CHECKED by Super Sonic, he is NOT HIM, they really need to give this dude more to do, because now that his arc is over he boutta get HARD SIDELINED, it’s literally inconceivable how he has done less than CYBER SHADOW; anywho Sonic scales gottem lol)


They both raced at equal speeds and have both hurt each other, pretty undeniable that they scale. Turbo and Sonic are pretty consistently even, if you really think about it Turbo is the equivalent of an alternate reality Sonic regardless.


Sonic and Eggman pretty consistently go back and forth and Sonic has conquered literally every mech he’s ever made, it’s pretty blatant that he would MERC Eggman going all out. As for Eggman’s Super form Feats, the comic writers themselves have gone on record to say Pre Online he was the Strongest in the Comic. (Which includes God Robotnik feats) Meaning that God Robotnik is fodder to Hyper and thus lots of upscaling for Sonic.


I’mma be real this is just all the Mischanelous stuff, the last thing I want is to make unneeded categories for all the side characters when they basically don’t matter whatsoever, though I did calc a lot of feats before the blog even came out, and I wasn’t just gonna NOT USE THEM, (I’m not even really including all of them here, THERE’S TOO MANY)  so how about you just accept this prize from me and take your expert calcs from the MAIN MAN himself STARS, NEVER ASK ME FOR ANYTHING AGAIN, THERE’S SO MANY FEATS IN THIS SERIES, NO ONE CALCS IN THE DBJ DISCORD SERVER, I’M DYING PHYSICALLY SEND HELP THIS ISN’T EVEN ALL THE FEATS I HAD TO LIMIT SOME OH DEAR GOD THE VOICES WON’T STOP, SEND MORE CALCERS TO DBJ (DEATH BATTLE JUDGMENT DISCORD) I BEG YOU, WHERE ARE ALL OF YOU, I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE, RED WHERE ARE YOU, OH GOD I’M BEING PULLED BACK, NO NO NO NO NO.


"Can you imagine the boredom of being what you would call a god..? A being capable of having anything he wants... Your planet — with its nightmare inhabitants — offers me excitement!"

  • Nicknamed as the Demon Driver by the citizens of Termight.

  • As a Child he tamed the Blitzspear named Seth, his sentient spaceship.

  • Was originally a part of the ABC Warriors who helped to end a War on Mars caused by groups of terrorists who had control over the entire planet.

  • Had a Son named Thoth who killed Adolf Hitler in his Bunker right before he actually died- WHAT?

  • He’s not the hero you want, but the hero you need, this dude has done so many War Crimes legitimately though, this dude needs to be in jail.

  • Lost his wife and son in the fight against Torquemada, which again, is Ironic.

  • Stalemated Deadlock (his other self), Beat Torquemada (literally 2000AD’s version of Robotnik, but somehow MORE evil), and fought the Pan-Dimensional Monad… he somehow survived and even WON the second time around.

  • Took Torquemada to court after torturing him, which CANNOT be legal… huh…

  • Helped create a safe ecosystem across the galaxy and helped rehabilitate people influenced by Torquemada’s reign.

  • Loves doing the OVA Sonic Pose for some reason, like he just does it unprovoked multiple times…

Power & Durability

Nemesis is pretty explicitly one of if not THE strongest character in 2000AD, he upscales a lot of the verse, and has proven himself against people nearly as strong as him, he’d reasonably upscale the series as a whole thanks to this fact.


Nemesis isn’t particularly portrayed AS fast, but he is responsible for a majority of Speed Feats in the series, and has matched people who have performed quite impressive Speed Feats themselves, so it stands to reason he’d scale.


Nemesis is an unyielding Demon Hell Spawn, stab him, rip out his spine, deprive him of sleep, mentally drain him… I really don’t think he cares, he’s like an unstoppable force that can keep continuing no matter what happens to his actual body.



The Monad was a spatially ‘Pan-Dimensional’ being that was going to consume the energy of Termight, which was breaking down reality all across time and space. Nemesis fought him TWICE (explicitly at its peak), the ABC Warriors fought him, everyone fought this thing.


They’re not only both apostles of Chaos, not only sharing the same Spirit, NOT ONLY IS NEMESIS supposed to be his magical superior, but they’ve stalemated physically in battle regardless lol


Nemesis’ son is stated at multiple points to be his superior (by himself and other Warlocks), but he was powerful enough AT HIS PEAK to completely counteract his powers.

  • Thoth was stated by Nemesis himself of easily being capable of blowing up planets. (59.44 Zettatons) [Planet]

  • Was stated capable of effecting Termight’s Black and White Hole’s though it’s unclear if this is done through his magic, or by destabilizing the Control Room for them… which rends the feat vague. (Debatably SS - Debatably Low Multi)


It’s literally his main villain, he kicks his butt all the time. Even moreso, Torquemada did the following feat with basically NO knowledge on Spirits or the Psychic Plane duh Nemesis scales. (I still don’t know the logistics behind how someone can be affected mentally and somehow be HYPNOTIZED into actually appearing in the past with no special abilities or powers whatsoever. Torquemada really just pulled this out his ass and decided to get an Immeasurable feat just for the hell of it, in fact this would have been REALLY nice if he just used this to discover where Nemesis’ base of operations is since he can just go back to an EARLIER POINT IN TIME, THIS FUCKIIIIING GUYYYYY)

  • His Mental Projection could ‘float through time and space’ when he was ordered via hypnosis to find his past ancestors’ Spirits (Immeasurable) (See Before The Verdict) 


Fleetway Sonic

(Gif made by DOA687 on DeviantArt)

While Fleetway Sonic is exceptional at a lot of things, he’s not flawless. He’s often stubborn at times, not willing to accept outside help if he doesn’t think he needs it. Sonic has a fear of spiders, which is a recurring theme in the story. He tends to hold back in fights (at least in his base form) to avoid seriously hurting his opponents. He suffers from PTSD due to witnessing his best friend Johnny Light Foot being murdered by Chaos. Sonic often improvises during conflicts, rarely making plans beforehand, and adapts to the situation as the battle unfolds. There is an instance where Brutus knocks him out, suggesting that he can't go Super if he gets knocked out before becoming stressed. Sonic’s had his Speed stolen like 3 separate times, he’s got the Danny Phantom lose your powers syndrome. He’s like WAYYY too nice for his own good, bad or good it doesn’t matter, he’d completely surrender an advantage to keep you safe (at least if there’s no other way), he’s surrendered countless times to make sure his Friends or Enemies made it out safe. Lastly in Super Sonic, while he is decently smart and crafty, his ego can get the better of him, he HAS never used Chaos abilities outside of laser vision FOR THIS REASON, and it led to him getting separated/retrapped in Sonic on multiple occasions.


Nemesis has ONE fatal flaw, his story is showcasing a God who wants to be Human in a lot of ways… he finds that putting himself in danger that would otherwise be unavoidable with his powers is an EXCITING idea. So he ends up putting himself in a lot of danger in order to be completely fair to his opponent, even when he has the chance to end it instantly with one of his many powers, which is a pretty big flaw when you’re as haxed out character like Nemesis. Outside of that he can overexert his powers which will deplete them completely, meaning he’d have to fight with nothing but his bare hands. 

Before the Verdict

How Does Chaos-Energy Work? (Sonic the Comic)

In Fleetway's interpretation, Chaos Energy is a unique and distinct concept from its counterpart in the Game universe. It’s radioactive in nature and has the potential to drastically alter individuals, such as Robotnik, affecting their minds, bodies, and abilities. Originally, Chaos Energy was a form of NEUTRAL energy, but it underwent a transformation when Kintobor harnessed the Chaos Emeralds to imprison all evil on Mobius (making them Evil Energy most commonly) Despite its unusual characteristics, Chaos Energy is ultimately just a form of energy, as demonstrated by Super's survival as a standalone bundle of energy without a host. Though despite what you call it, Chaos energy in a sense, is very corruptive. When fused with the Big Bang it was going to taint “every single particle in the universe, every atom of every sun, every molecule of every planet, every fiber of every living thing, every element, every compound... the laws of physics would evaporate to become chaotic, random and perverse” (Sonic and the Fourth Dimension). This fits its description perfectly as Chaos Energy’s entire goal in the series is to alter whoevers infected in one way or another. Finally it’s important to recognize, that Chaos Energy functions the same way that ‘Power Levels’ do in Dragon Ball; it’s an UNSPOKEN rule but seems pretty clear given the multiple sources… if you have a higher ‘energy level’ you are naturally faster and stronger than your opponent.

Are Deadlock and Nemesis really the Same Person? And if so, should Nemesis get his Gear and Abilities?

This one is sorta confusing, like both IMPLY that they are indeed the same person. The story says that they merged and they themselves just straight up say they’re the same person. Though it seems to moreso mean on a Spiritual level, they are both apostles of the God Khaos, so it seems to be implying that they are MERGED spiritually… otherwise it makes no sense as to why he shows up later physically and well… ALIVE. There’s no reason to say that Nemesis would get Deadlock’s equipment, just his magic powerset since they come from the same god, even if you were to give them the same equipment it doesn’t benefit Nemesis as he has obtained similar equipment on his own.

Is Hyper Sonic Standard?

This is an intriguing question. In the STC Online comic run, Hyper Sonic is essentially the polar opposite of Super Sonic. To access Hyper Sonic's power, the Negative Alter-Ego Super must first be extracted from Sonic. This is necessary because Hyper Sonic requires Positive Chaos Energy, whereas Chaos Energy is typically neutral. The negativity that had accumulated within Sonic over time was essentially counterproductive when trying to achieve Hyper Sonic's abilities. Hyper Sonic is widely regarded as significantly more potent than Super Sonic. Regarding whether it becomes the standard form, it's safe to say that it does. Nigel contributed to the future ending of the Online comic in advance. In this conclusion, Super Sonic returns for one final appearance as an independent entity, instead of being absorbed into Sonic. Sonic's essence is then implanted into Super Sonic, ultimately obliterating him and taking over Sonic's base form while erasing Super Sonic from existence. This means that in any future use of the Chaos Emeralds, especially towards the end of the series, Sonic would transform into Hyper Sonic. Furthermore, even if Super Sonic were still present within Sonic, he has the means to become Hyper Sonic. Kintobor can extract Super Sonic's essence using the Sign Post, just as he did before, and Sonic can subsequently utilize the Super Emeralds seamlessly. In addition to these considerations, Hyper Sonic has been depicted using his powers on two consecutive occasions in the series. First, in Sonic 3 and Knuckles, which is considered canon as Fleetway adapted versions of all the classic games and would have included the Super Emeralds. The second instance was during the Drakon war when Sonic absorbed the energy of the Super Emeralds. (Given Super was literally erased in the ‘FUTURE’ ending that we’ll eventually get, plus the fact that Sonic has ways to separate himself from Super… gives a pretty valid way to achieve it) It’s reasonable to assume that Hyper Sonic is standard, even if it's not possible to have both Super and Hyper at the same time. Realistically, people are likely to prefer using Hyper Sonic over Super Sonic in any debate or battle scenario.

Does Super Sonic have a Time Limit?

Yes and No, Super Sonic in Fleetway does not have a time limit, at least not at his peak. If we’re talking normal Super, the fundamental explanation provided for Super Sonic early in the series is that the Rings collected throughout the games contain Ring / Chaos Energy, and he has absorbed Millions of rings over the years! This allows him to access this energy and turn Super whenever he desires, even without the Chaos Emeralds… though it likely means without the Emeralds if all that energy runs out he’s done for. However, when he possesses the Chaos Emeralds, which are stated to contain ‘Limitless Energy’ as depicted in the Future Timeline, he managed to sustain his Super Sonic form for over 70 years. Considering that his peak would be with the Chaos Emeralds, it's reasonable to assume that he could remain as Super Sonic, or even attain Hyper Sonic status, indefinitely. In all honesty it depends on the interpretation you want to take, but given Death Battle usually uses a characters’ peak, I’m inclined to say the infinite timer is more likely what’d be used. 

Addressing Sonic’s Immeasurable Feats

This is just to quickly address what ISN’T Immeasurable rather than what is, I explained the immeasurable feats in the Speed Section. Anywho, as for feats that don’t work, the Time Stone isn’t valid as it’s something he can’t do on his own and doesn’t explicitly increase his speed… running just sort of activates it. The next argument that I remember being brought up EXTREMELY long ago, is the story of a Clone telling Sonic about how he ‘ran faster than he ever had before’ to achieve time travel… which is a forged memory Robotnik implanted inside him. (Robotnik himself is literally a compulsive liar) The actual point towards Immeasurable speed is during Sonic and the Fourth Dimension, where Sonic runs SO fast by himself, that he outruns a Wave of Time that was going to overwrite an Infinitely Sized Dimension (alongside all of Existence!)... there’s nothing implying FTL travel = Time Travel in the Fleetway verse, nothing that implies he used an ability, he just did it with pure speed, so it’d indeed be an immeasurable feat.

Addressing Nemesis’ Immeasurable Feats

This doesn’t really need too much discussion as I addressed the feats under the Feat section, I just want to clear up something that I know will inevitably be brought up. There ARE no statements that state you require Rela-FTL travel to Time Travel, so there’s no trouble there… after all, characters travel FTL all the time. The existence of Tachyon particles are brought up as, ‘Time Radiation’, but still, that’s all it is… TIME RADIATION. Meaning that all the feats in his series that have to do WITH time, are applicable, simple as that. 🙂 Nemesis has a lot more outrunning Time level shenanigans than you would expect… from his Ship, to his Soul, to even Torquemada (which I’m still malding about that feat) though luckily there’s nothing outright debunking them, WOO GO NEMESIS!

Should Sonic be Able to Reality Warp?

Yes, I’ve been a firm believer that he can for the longest time now. I think it’s blasphemous to say that he doesn’t have the capability to Reality Warp, when Robotnik and Chaos upon using the Emeralds for the FIRST time could do it naturally. Super is a Chaos being just like the two of them and one of the lead writers, Lew Stringer has gone out on a limb to say that it’s entirely possible for him it’s just we haven’t seen it yet. Given Super’s theoretical peak is with the Emeralds, it’s sort of a given to say he could use the same capabilities as other Chaos Beings. Sonic even has the added benefit of having used the Emeralds, Super Emeralds, and Master Emerald before. Given he’d have the Emeralds in his possession and we know that they can grant these abilities regardless, it’d be weird to give them and say he literally can’t do anything with the emeralds (since he can transform into Super by himself regardless), Plot Induced Stupidity aside it’s likely because Super hasn’t ran into anyone who could give him enough trouble yet, everyone he’s fought in the series is supposed to be Fodder to him… like do you expect me to believe that literally THREE SEPARATE times people who JUST got the emeralds within seconds COULD reality warp but SUPER SONIC CAN’T? The Fourth Dimension Imaginary Terrorist Organization knew what was up the MOMENT THEY GOT IT, you know what them mfs did when they got it? THEY WERE REWRITING THE ENTIRE COSMOLOGY destroying ALL OF ITS CONCEPTS AND FUNDAMENTALS, NAHHHHHH they doing my dude Super Sonic SO dirty. So erm- yeah. You can’t stop me MUHAHAHA!!! (it does mean it’s something he’s less likely to use in a battle than other stuff though)

Do Super Forms have access to Vichama’s Powers? (Sonic the Comic)

The basic gist of Vinchama is that he’s the God of Death and seemingly regained his body and powers via absorbing the energy of the emeralds, after being in a state of suspended animation for years. The big problem is we don’t know if he actually was granted powers from the Emeralds, he only really states that the Emeralds helped give him a corporeal form, that’s all he did with the emeralds (MF didn’t even take them after he used them). Sonic hasn’t even seen Vichama before so it’s unlikely he’d think to use his abilities with Reality Warping regardless. 

How Big is the Fleetway Comics Cosmology?

Fleetway has a very vast cosmology with a heap of one-off dimensions that come out of nowhere, multiple ‘separate’ cosmologies, higher dimensions, vague realms, and more… realistically the minor dimensions won’t get too much explaining… but I don't really think they matter much in terms of overall cosmology size, regardless, they'll be briefly mentioned. 

Sonic’s ‘Dimension’

It’s a pretty basic plot-point that Sonic’s Dimension is a ‘parallel dimension’ to ours, which implies that it’s as big as an entire Universe. It’s consistently shown to have Stars, other Planets, and it’s even stated to have its own flow of time, which backs up the idea. Though given that Mobius is likely Earth’s stand-in & given the fact that Earth still exists, it’s entirely possible that Sonic’s Dimension could be as big as two universes.

Special Zone

As stated above the Special Zone is a world with Stars, Moons, Planets, you name it… it’s a completely separate universe from Sonic’s World! He’s accessed it through Star Posts in the past and it’s often referenced as a pretty closely tied dimension to Mobius.

‘Nameless’ Zone

This one is a little stranger, the Nameless Zone itself is seemingly just a place on Mobius, though it can only be accessed through a dimensional portal… and even more interesting, it has a ‘Dimensional Bridge’ which leads to a separate world.

Little Planet Dimension

Little Planet is a planet that cycles between Mobius and an unnamed dimension every few months, though it’s strictly another dimension with its own Moon and Stars. Sonic’s visited a handful of times, though not much is known about the strange dimension.

Angel Island ‘Dimension’

It’s referenced that Angel Island used to be in some sort of separate dimension, which is a little weird- but it’s consistent. Not only is it stated that Angel Island held a ‘gateway to another world’ (as seen above), but it’s said that the portal Eggman opened to Angel Island was a portal between dimensions… which heavily supplements the claim that it’s a separate space from Mobius.

‘Weird’ Tantaragor Dimension

This is ONE weird dimension, it’s a being that holds an abstract deity who claims himself to be superior to the inhabitants of Mobius. Its size is unknown as we only see it once, but it’s possible that it’s some sort of higher dimension.

Flicky / Drakon Dimension

Eggman found out that the Flicky’s came from another Dimension, so after a bit of digging he found the Drakon’s Dimension is where they came from. It’s pretty explicit that they come from the same world as the Mobius Ring the Drakons left there connected to Flickies Island.

Insectra (War) Dimension

This one completely came out of nowhere, Shortfuse kinda just needed to get thrown out the plot for a while, so this World War dude came out of NOWHERE and he went in with no questions asked. The dimension itself has stars and as such we do see it again, but outside of that we don’t know much about it.

Dimension BETWEEN Dimensions

It’s implied that there are multiple ‘pockets’ between Dimensions that store in-between Dimensions. (Which is pretty weird considering that’s literally what the Limbo Zone is, but I guess every dimension potentially just has its own bootleg Limbo Zone)

Shadow Dimension

The Dimension is supposed to be a parallel to Mobius in many ways so it’s likely a Universe, though that remains unclear… the only thing we really know is that a lot of what goes on in the dimension is upheld by a forged Master Emerald.

Puppet Dimension

Another Dimension that the Ring of Eternity brought Amy and Tekno to on their journey through space and time was this world full of Puppets, which contains stars and yadda yadda yadda you get the point.

Mirror Zone Dimension

The Mirror Zone is a completely parallel dimension to Mobius; as in, everything is the same, but everything is the opposite. It's like a bizarro dimension, if you want to be technical. There's an evil Sonic there; people like Robotnik never existed, just genuine differences character-wise. We don't know how many Mirror Zones there are, but this makes it clear that alternative and parallel universes CAN be common, lest it wouldn't have shown up on their journey at all… though regardless won’t do much for cosmology size.

Outskirts of Time + Timelines

This is probably the weirdest place that the Ring of Eternity can send people… given its task is to transport between different Dimensions throughout time and space, though in this instance they were capable of being sent outside of Time… there’s a lot to consider here. First off… This Dimension contains the physical embodiments of ‘Years’ of Time (like 1950 for example as seen above). It’s been mentioned in the Novel that there are 100,000s of Timelines in the Fleetway Verse, Time itself can be managed through Transfinite methods, and the literal embodiments of time mention ‘Eternity’ [As a sort of God Stand In, as Infinity is as close to God as the embodiments of time can get] (as seen above) it’s very likely that there is ‘Infinite Time’ based on those factors. Every Universe has its own stream of time, which is evident by how going through ‘Timelines’ got Sonic to the past where he could affect the future… meaning every universe can have anywhere from 100,000s of ‘timelines’ to infinite of them. It’s very weird the way they set it up, the Years in the Outskirts of Time sorta just slot in when it’s their time, they’re outside time itself and don’t cease to be when their year comes, so it’s likely the all years are pre-made beforehand (which is AGAIN really weird to think about) at bare minimum, it’d imply that the cosmology contains as many years as it’d take to reach the heat death of the universe (1.7E+106 Timelines per Universe) or that there’s literally just infinite timelines per universe as stated before. The Timelines are already infinitely expanding after all, Sonic’s little stunt with Metal Sonic in the early comics would confirm this, as if we take it LITERALLY… Sonic goes to the past, goes to the future, sends a Future Sonic to the past, and repeats… this would theoretically if taken at face value mean that there is an infinitely expanding amount of timelines based on this alone. Fleetway has a very impressive amount of ways to get the Cosmology massive, most of all being the likely infinite number of Timelines.

Giant Dimension

A dimension where everything is giant, yeah, literally that’s it. Based on that fact, it’s likely that they have a huge universe as well, though that’d require a lot of guesswork. 

‘Distant Galaxy’ Dimension

A Dimension that has Stars, Planets, and even Galaxies (as stated by WOG above) are in this dimension. Which supplements this Dimension being as big as a Universe, I know it’s likely ALL these Dimensions are universes, but some people can be picky so I’ll specify for their sake.

Dream Dimension

The Ring of Eternity literally brought Amy and Tekno into some guy's dream, implying that Dreams are Dimensions as well, similar to how they are in the games with ‘Maginaryzone’.

Mind Dimension

This Dimension is a place where your mind can construct anything you want, Gamble even implies at multiple points that it’s a universe (as shown above). Though outside of that it’s well- very dark, not much to talk about, it’s only as big as you can imagine it to be, it seems… though since it can contain a universe at peak, it implies the space is Universal in scale.

Limbo Zone

This is the ‘4.5D’ Dimension, the Limbo Zone, a zone between zones that can lead to anywhere across Time and Space. Meaning that if we take this at face value, it’s a higher dimension that can shoot you across time and space, which is honestly pretty nifty… it’s the connective holdings of the Multiverse in a way. It’s likely that it spans forever, as it’d include the Fourth Dimension as we’ll discuss later, and it’s contained by the ‘Ring of Eternity’ , the realm itself being referenced as ‘Eternity’ multiple times.

Lumina’s Dimension (Maginary Zone)

A realm that contains a stronger dimensional reality, if you ignore the base game for Sonic Shuffle, it’s just a vaguely superior dimension to that of the 3 Dimensional Universe Mobius resides inside. Though given Fleetway’s OG canon and Online both tend to follow the Game Timeline in most regards, ‘Maginary Zone’ should still be the same as it IS in the game timeline. The Maginary Zone is a realm where every dream finds its place, housed within their own distinct dimensional spheres. Within these spheres, dreamt-up worlds exist and thrive, often reaching giant sizes comparable to that of Nebulas forming into constellations or even Universes, each sphere are shown as equally big in their portrayals. A few things to consider are that time-based events that happen similar to the real world still occur like Stars having day & night cycles, orchestrating the ebb and flow of the world. Time itself seems to weave its own path within these dreamscapes, as demonstrated by the functioning timers within the Board. While some might dismiss that as mere game mechanics, it’s a literal PARTY game, ofcourse time exists lol or else games literally wouldn’t work, time's flow suggests that the realms could be a 4D construct, though the Maginary Zone itself IS classified as a 4D construct, so it’s likely that’s its pinnacle. Aside from that, officially licensed materials assert that the Maginary Zone serves as the nexus for all dreams, across all dimensions, uniting them into a Higher Dimensional Space—the Fourth Dimension. Described as infinite by multiple licensed sources, this realm embodies the culmination of Dream Worlds. (Though I do think it’s sorta unclear whether or not the Fourth Dimension holds a SEPARATE bundle of dreams from Maginaryworld, or the same versions, either way… it is connected to Maginary World making its cosmology 4D if you use the games. On that note if you’d like to freshen up a bit more ON the Game Cosmology, I’d highly recommend JJSliderman’s take on it, he made a very in-depth analysis on it, and Fleetway’s cosmology is nearly 1:1 no matter what take you make, so honestly GO FOR IT!

Negative Space

A dimension contained inside Negative Space. Now I’d like to clarify, Porker specifies that their COORDINATES were set for NEGATIVE space… something that theoretically shouldn’t be possible which would make sense for why everyone is panicking. Negative coordinates DO exist in real life for a location, but there’s nothing off putting or weird about it… it just implies going in the opposite direction, meaning they’re guaranteed to be talking about Spatial Dimensional Coordinates here… meaning a lower Spatial Dimension exists within the world on a negative Spatial axis, doesn’t really do much for cosmology size as it’s lower-dimensional mass… which would be a mass that is LESS than nothing.

Q Zone (Real Life) + Fleetway Multiverse

This one is pretty simple, Megadroid the comic Editor in the real world works for a Sega Corporation that is producing the comic. Not only does this place see the comic as nothing but fiction, but it showcases that all the Fleetway Stories are interconnected as it shows the separate comic Universes (as seen above). Meaning that every story Fleetway has ever produced, from Ecco, to Brigadoon, to anything else you could realistically think up… would be an additional universe to add to the cosmology (which would be somewhere around 30 extra universes to buff the cosmology size with). Aside from that it serves as a connective network between all worlds, similar to that of the Limbo Zone, but on a better scale, given it works as a higher dimensional stand-in to the Comic’s verse, it’s vast and far-reaching.

Higher Storyboard Above Real Life

This is a realm that sees the Real World as fiction, Sonic saw Robotnik as nothing more than a comic panel that he could erase from this reality… implying it’s a higher dimension than Real Life… which is SOMETHING alright… it’s not explored a ton, but it would meet the requirements for R > F, if you are into using that sort of thing for valid stats on a character.


Shanazar is a world with Stars, Planets, Asteroid Belts, and more… but most commonly is referred to as a Universe that’s smaller than an atom, the Ring of Eternity even recognizes it as a separate dimension (and like… Robotnik DID need a Dimensional Blender to combine it with Mobius) which supplements the idea of it being a dimension. 

Fourth Dimension

The Fourth Dimension is a place from the Novels, it’s a normally inaccessible space that is infinitely sized, completely outside the normal Universe, which oversees Time itself as a sort of ‘Temporal Safeguard’ for the multiverse… which is honestly pretty weird considering it has its own flow of time within it. It’s a place that sees other inhabitants as ‘imaginary creatures’ and has billions of billions of ever expanding floors that expand in all directions, implying that it’s as big as an infinitely sized multiverse. Outside of that it encompasses 100,000s of timelines with a time-patrol who are always trying to straighten out and make the cosmology more bearable to understand, thank you for your services!

Digital World (Cyberspace)

Cyberspace is a 'virtual' dimension that contains an infinite amount of space in infinite directions the same as the Fourth Dimension. Though it is unique in the fact that everything is PURE DATA, data builds up all that is reality there, the sky and stars are formed by data clusters cycling through information, everything being a LITERAL building block of information, it being so impressive that even the empty space within the environment is packed with the stuff as invisible shapes. (Very Dense Data FR) Though just to clarify, while it’s VERY similar to that of the game timeline, it’s NOT the same place, so you can’t use the infinite dream statement from the Game Timeline to buff Fleetway’s Maginary World. It’s simply just an infinitely sized virtual world, that’s all that there is to it.

Archie Sonic (Joke Entry)

Okay… now an OLD Stars would have 100% RAN with this and used it to buff the cosmology. Though I think I’ll just use this moment to compile some interesting stuff I did end up finding to connect the two cosmologies together… First off… Archie has explicitly had TEKNO and EBONY appear and HAVE speaking roles within their comic (Shortfuse also gets an easter egg). Now obviously those are neat references, but OH NO… it goes deeper… STCO (Sonic the Comic Online) and ASO (Archie Sonic Online) have made a dedicated promotional piece with Time Eater bringing both their worlds together… a more solid reference… the ‘American’ comic has also been mentioned by the OG comic… but you want more I presume… well guess WHAT CREAM BRINGS UP in one of her arcs… she brings up the original run of Sonic the Comic, IDW Sonic, and ARCHIE SONIC… they want the cosmologies to be connected SO BAD… but I’m going to do what needs to be done. I’m going to GATEKEEP both fan bases from having a connected multiverse… sorry not sorry, REALLY neat references though!

How Big is the 2000AD Cosmology?

This one is pretty simple, 2000AD has a MUCH less complicated cosmology compared to STC, 2000AD is a set of comic worlds that takes place at different time periods and sometimes even dimensions. Though it’s very clear that there are a few things to bring up, there are at least 17 different parallel Earth’s as shown in Nemesis the Warlock, multiple separate comic runs with their own universes, and just like Sonic’s world there is a comic-editor named Tharg; he sees the entire world as nothing but a comic, and connects all these worlds to each other through the usage of dimensional doors.

Does Fleetway Follow Dimensional Tiering?

I’m going to be honest; I’m kind of on the fence about the whole thing. I don’t think it’s completely unarguable; I just think you could really go either way with it. I’m not going to be arguing the Fourth Dimension as a Hyper Timeline as it’d sort of defeat the purpose of being Infinite 4D at best (with the whole transfinite timeline statement, plus I hate Hyper Timelines)… so let’s try finding a way without that. There’s quite a few things we can bring up: the Fleetway verse has numbered dimensions (this is made very clear via WOG and the Fourth Dimension novel). It’s stated in the scan above that Maginaryworld’s reality is superior to Sonic’s Dimension (the same referring to its citizens; Void fighting Lumina would just nuke their world). The STC Staff live in a real-life dimension that sees the cosmology as a flat comic book (thus it’s 2D/flat). The comic itself [as the Q-Zone and such are canonically a part of the comic-verse] refers to ‘Nth Dimension’al space, which implies the verse has Spatial Dimensions (which ironically is the most important thing we needed), IT’S ALSO shown that ‘Negative’ coordinate space exists in Fleetway which is more spatial dimensional supplement. That’s about all we’ll get with the comic run itself. Now from there, it’s as simple as applying those same higher dimensional rules to OTHER higher dimensions; aka if there’s a realm that sees Reality as Fiction (a higher dimension in comparison to a lower dimension), it’s safe to say the same higher dimensional rules would translate over to all other higher dimensions as the overall Fleetway Verse runs on this system & nothing implies it'd change the higher you go (nothing implies or suggests it differs meaning any 'higher' dimensions above the dimensions we already know to be spatial dimensions would be definitively higher ones; thus they would not have to follow & have the same requirements since we can assume they follow this system of how Higher Dimensions work in the cosmology. So when it comes to Zones we can use... there’s the Fourth Dimension within the Comic cosmology as we know; it’s safe to say that the Real Life (Q Zone) is above that at minimum as it sees all the comic events as fiction. Though MORE interestingly, when Eggman came to the ‘Real World’, Sonic went to a HIGHER storyboard that oversaw the ‘Real World’ as fiction. So the 4D Comic Cosmology (Time tends to be the 4th Dimension in Theorems) + 1 Dimension (Real World) + 1 Dimension (Higher Storyboard) = 6D Cosmology. It can get up to 7D, though that depends on if you want to consider Time it’s own dimension, the novel sorta implies that the Fourth Dimension is linked to Time and 4D tends to be the layer physics argues Time at. It may be a tiny bit stretchy, but all is fair in love and war, and this all checks out.

Does Nemesis follow Dimensional Tiering?

NOW, I'm as surprised as you are to see DT on Nemesis' side, but like... YEAH, IT'S DEFINITELY REAL. There's WAY too much going for it after having read through the ABC Warriors run, which is tied to Nemesis. (They live in the same world and universe at the same time period and are integral to each other's stories, as discussed in the "Before We Start" Section of the Blog.) Before we get into anything though, it’s important to state that this is scaling by virtue of Nemesis being superior to Deadlock Spiritually (plus having a connected Spirit as discussed before), which makes sense as he’s literally his Senior; he helped him climb to the top of the Astral ranks, and in the end, they merged spiritually. There’s also the fact that Deadlock and Nemesis’ Spirit powers both involve the God Khaos, so there's not really a way to downplay his scaling. Anywho, the conversation pic above is describing Deadlock. Essentially, there’s this guy who signed a contract with a ‘Fourth Dimensional Being,’ who is known for helping him detect ALL ‘EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL’ threats… and this is specifically describing his existence on the Astral Plane... this conversation is them TALKING about Deadlock’s spirit; they literally called it Extra-Dimensional. Don’t worry, there’s even more… the Monad, a Pan-dimensional being (the definition for Pan-Dimensional being something merged and encompassing ALL dimensions), was capable of changing into a NON-spatial structure. As in… it could literally remove its Spatial Dimensions and become non-existent. This is due to shredding its own physiology ‘DOWN TO THE BASIS OF ALL REALITY’. Therefore, it stands to reason that Reality itself has Spatial Dimensions if the Monad can remove its own spatial dimensions (there’s that and Deadlock formed a ‘MULTI-SPACIAL’ society, which by definition should be referring to spatial dimensions). Deadlock, to reach the ‘Astral Plane,’ the realm where his Master Khaos resides, is only able to get there by turning into an Extra-Dimensional Spirit, and it’s important to note that the Astral Plane has SEPARATE levels... like the Psychic Plane. Nemesis helped him to get to the HIGHEST possible level of the plane and Nemesis has described this soul process before as ‘the rising to the higher states of existence'. Note that, that supplements the existence of multiple higher dimensions, as he mentions there are MULTIPLE different higher states.. even Deadlock has stated he’s witnessed ‘higher realms’. Now let’s sum all that up now that it’s explained. The comic has spatial dimensions definitively, hell even Nemesis mentions 3-D space; it has numbered dimensions (as seen in the pic above); you can only reach this higher dimension by ascending (the bare minimum lowest layer being 4D as that’s the start of being Extradimensional which are what spirits are described as). In fact, since the Astral Plane has ‘levels,’, it implies that Khaos users like Deadlock and Nemesis are 6D at minimum (assuming levels only refers to Time + the Psychic and Astral Planes… you could consider Tharg’s dimension as a higher one as he’s the comic editor- which could get him up to 7D same as Sonic). (This is also ignoring that Deadlock’s Spirit could kill Entities on the same level as himself or how Nemesis straight up killed the Monad in an official Advert, the same dude who is PAN-DIMENSIONAL, aka spread throughout all dimensions spatially and otherwise.) When I started the run I was not expecting the most blatant DT known to man, but it just goes to show how under researched 2000AD actually is.

Bonus Artwork

Sprite Art by Me, Stars!~ Drawn art by Ashuto.

 (LOVE YOU ASHUTO! Keep up the good work!)


Fleetway Sonic

“What a life! Never a dull moment... And that's the way I like it!”

“The cute blue hedgehog is gone - now you're against Super Sonic! And it ain't gonna be pretty.”


  • Higher arguments for Speed across all ends. (Finitely it’s no contest)

  • Way more skilled.

  • Chaos Physiology helps regenerate from any fatal wounds.

  • Chao are legitimately a hard counter to Nemesis if brought out, cloning all of his characteristics and abilities.

  • Literally over 99% of the Chaos Emeralds’ abilities will work on Nemesis. (Transmutation, Age Manipulation, Petrification, Paralysis, Soul Absorption)

  • Can drain Nemesis of his powers with the Grey Emerald, as it’s layered.

  • Nemesis has no counter to Plot Manipulation and could be erased from the Plot.

  • Could reasonably leave Nemesis’ Time Loops via Time Stones.

  • Would ignore Telekinesis due to his better showings of Lifting Strength.

  • Resists Nemesis’ Mind Control, Fear, and Emotion Manipulation.

  • Sonic could use the Time Stones to gain knowledge on all of Nemesis’ potential moves…

  • More Level Headed than Nemesis.

  • Series is still going lol


  • Neither are likely to open up with any insta-kill moves as it’s out of character.

  • Neither can kill each other physically without hax.

  • Both can feed off of each others’ passive energy emissions (Psychic Radiation & Chaos Energy)

  • Stamina is a non-factor, given both can fight for next to hundreds of years without rest at their peaks.

  • When it came down to it, both could pretty much replicate anything the other did.


  • Weaker overall when both are at their peak.

  • Less experienced.

  • Nemesis negates the Mind Reading resistance of Super Sonic, giving him a rundown on basically everything he can do.

  • No resistances to Statistics Manipulation, Absorption, Chaos Absorption, Sleep Manipulation, Phasing+Necromancy, Soul Removal, or Memory Erasure.

  • Nemesis can just kinda yoink the Kintobor AI whenever he feels like it.

  • Sonic’s lax attitude gives Nemesis more and MORE opportunities to bust out his insta-kill moves. 

  • …but Nemesis being able to read his mind meant he could just keep switching up his game plans to troll him harder.


“For I am the Nemesis — I am Khaos — I am Deadlock — I am the Warlock — The Shape of Things To Come — The Lord of the Flies — Holder of the Sword Sinister — The Death Bringer — I am all these things and many more.”

“You'll learn to deal with Khaos. Or Khaos will deal with you...” - Megadroid was here


  • Higher arguments for Strength and more Solid DT (Dimensional Tiering).

  • Way more experienced.

  • Soul Physiology keeps him in the fight even if Sonic destroys his physical body.

  • Negates Sonic’s Mind Reading Resistance (giving Nemesis plenty of insight on his upcoming moves).

  • Can convert the Kintobor AI to his side with Tech Manipulation.

  • Sleep Manipulation, Ambar Stone, Phasing+Necromancy, Possession, Animal+Motor-Function Control, & Absorption would all incapacitate Sonic.

  • Acid-Spit would ignore Sonic’s durability…

  • Generally more in-character for Nemesis to resort to his hax before Sonic does.

  • Somehow gets more Girls than Sonic without even trying.


  • Neither are likely to open up with any insta-kill moves as it’s out of character.

  • Neither can kill each other physically without hax.

  • Both can feed off of each others’ passive energy emissions (Psychic Radiation & Chaos Energy)

  • Stamina is a non-factor, given both can fight for next to hundreds of years without rest at their peaks.

  • When it came down to it, both could pretty much replicate anything the other did.


  • More limited Arsenal.

  • Less showings of skill overall.

  • Slower across ALL ends.

  • Chaos Emeralds in general can permanently kill and incapacitate him; Chaos Wave in particular would give him 50 shades of space cancer.

  • No Resistance to Plot Erasure.

  • The Grey Emerald can depower him due to it being layered.

  • Sonic would ignore his Telekinesis due to better showings of Lifting Strength.

  • Sonic’s YAPPING he normally does would probably piss him off extremely.

  • …but Sonic’s Regeneration ensured it wouldn’t really matter.

Verdicts & Closing Thoughts

Frankly, there’s a lot to cover; they both possess dozens of unique and similar powers, boast consistently close stats, similar levels of endurance, and wield an array of counters against each other. However, when all is said and done, only one can emerge victorious between the two. To settle the matter, I handpicked a bunch of voters to assist me in deciding a definitive winner, we made sure to keep a very unbiased perspective when it came to the matter, and I believe we managed to employ pretty compelling arguments to argue our case.

(Here’s a Fight Script for anyone interested!)


(wait a second that’s not gator or croc pic at all)

Hey guys, guess what

Ok fellas, let’s see what we have here…on one side of the ring, british version of a blue blur we know and love with evil form in his back, on another side of the ring we have, probably the goofiest dragon design I’ve ever seen, so goofy I’m starting like it.

But being real it’s pretty interesting MU to look at, with a theme of freedom fighting half-good half evil aliens. There is more stuff obviously but the theme works good enough I say. And stuff they can do in combat is quite promising in terms of what you can have in fight. Sort of like if Nemesis would be a boss fight in your Sonic game where Sonic plays off lots of haxy things Nemesis can pull off with his speed and creativity of whatever there is around, with a bunch of weapons in their hand to throw at each other, while later on, Sonic turns more into beast with his Super Form while Nemesis starts using more complicated powers and eventually becomes more of a threat, to the point that potency of their fight becomes c(/k)haotic the longer it goes.   

That aside though, let’s go to the question of who would win here (here is link to Dreamcast Sonic music for you guys btw if you wanna some BGM during the read)? Since things are looking pretty close if you ask me, stat wise they are pretty much dead even. Nemesis has stuff all the way from Town to 5D-7D, Fleetway Sonic has stuff around City to 5D-7D, Nemesis scales to Immeasurable speed feats, Fleetway Sonic especially scales to Immeasurable speed which with potential dimensional tiering at hand should be pretty on point. As such stats for the most part are relative, with Fleetway probably having overall edge in speed, aside from all these scaling/upscaling chains, Sonic more commonly utilizes his speed for all possible tricks, so it’s not hard to imagine him having a lead here, especially in terms of travel speed (which is well…duh!).

With abilities and arsenal things become more trickier, not only due to basically even stats, but also due to the fact how hard both of these aliens are to kill, with one having such thing as soul regeneration while the other having something like lives or rings to save himself from death at face value, means that Fleetway and Nemesis will just be, unable to finish fight for good with punching each other in the face or whatever way you imagine for them to approach each other physically. 

Due to this fact, their powers and correct utilization of said powers is what should determine the victor of this match. And well, for each reality warping, power null, time hax, they have something simple like, 5 ways to punch you in the face or cut your head off. But let’s cover some simple things first.   

Starting with outside help they potentially can bring into the fight, for Nemesis it is Necromancy, Summoning, Duplication, practically Sonic can deal with them with his sheer speed. Not like Sonic wasn’t in numbers disadvantage either. Fleetway’s outside help is a bit more different, first off he has a Kintobor AI, which while can’t fight, can give him tracks of what’s going on around and through that take some solid strategic advantages for himself, probably not for long given Nemesis also has his bizarre sense abilities and hacking with which over time he likely would see Kintobor as a threat and cut Sonic’s access to him. Fleetway’s holograms can trick Nemesis for some time, but overall not for long, given his senses he will eventually get to real Sonic anyway. Now what’s probably has potential to be a game changer here are…Chao! Yeah these small creatures are pretty op if you really think about it, and if you played as Cream in Sonic Battle you’d probably already know that. But here what we have on our eyes is not just these small blue creatures throwing hands but also their ability to adapt, take the best from DNAs of part of creatures they eat, which while normally in your Sonic Adventure run turns them into pretty weird badass abominations, in this case basically means they can be potential power houses that could use Nemesis’ own powers and allies against himself. Though they probably need more setup given how do you make them evolve in SA games, but hey with how hard they are to kill they have all time in the world really. So overall the Chao give Sonic points here in terms of better outside help.

Now the next issue to cover is Sonic’s and Nemesis’ more bs abilities they could end fight with, there are numbers for each to choose from, Nemesis has age, sleep and even sort of animal manipulations all can take over Sonic in a quick time frame, with aforementioned duplication and invisibility giving him more opportunities to use said haxes. But at same time, a lot of other notable abilities Nemesis could use on Fleetway, Sonic can just counter or resist in some manner, like mind/fear shenanigans or his Acid, as well as lots of abilities which basically just give him harder hits against Sonic. 

Sonic on the other hand can do stuff like manipulate time with his chaos powers, or the chaos wave that in a way can unnoticeable to the naked eye… warp reality and just incap Nemesis through that, or Sonic can even just exit the plot of the story and erase Nemesis with an eraser. A bit more wilder way of dealing with enemy but technically speaking I don’t think Nemesis has a direct approach against that, and Fleetway uses 4-th wall stuff a bit more often than, say, Archie Sonic so it’s not unfair to at least assume Sonic could eventually pull that off. At the same time however, Sonic also has lots of basic stuff like Speed Base techniques, guns and other weapons, in other words Sonic’s at first won’t be going with his most powerful haxes which won’t be really enough to put Nemesis down for good.

Naturally it’s sort of a matter of both quickdraw and right choice of what to pull out in this complicated Rock, Paper, Scissors game. And naturally possibilities and opportunities are all over the place, it’s not insane out of the game possibility for either Nemesis or Fleetway to eventually go with something that will do the job, making this fight quite close to at least 45/55 situation, and who is 55 here you ask me? Well, overall, Fleetway Sonic should be the one to have more chances on his side. 

Firstly and simply via luck shenanigans chances are starting to move a bit more to Sonic rather than Nemesis. Secondly, given that Fleetway tends to more naturally utilize speed in combat, it’s likely Sonic can either have an easy job at avoiding Nemesis’ attacks or pull out his stuff a lot quicker, especially with perception hax. And lastly, as well as most importantly, the biggest issue for Nemesis to have bigger chances is…well, Nemesis himself. His combat flaw is his will to be a man rather than god, the idea of danger is more entertaining for him and naturally due to that it’s likely he’ll open himself to one of the possible Fleetway’s win conditions leaving him as good as dead before he would be able to use the correct power on Sonic.

Nemesis was a fast, strong and quite versatile freedom fighter, but Fleetway Sonic’s similar strength, superior and more utilizable speed, similar versatility and higher chances to hit Nemesis with a correct power should lend him a win.

It seems Nemesis the Warlock’s Khaos was controlled by the fastest thing alive (yeah pretty weak pun, sorry about that). The winner is Fleetway Sonic. 

See y'all in G1^2’s Raz vs Omori!



Why, hello everyone! Yuki here. Before I start anything, though, I really want to thank Stars for inviting me to give me takes on the verdict here. I think he has done an amazing job with both analyses, and even I didn't know some of the stuff he got for Fleetway Sonic. Safe to say, you did a good job oomfie!!

This matchup is pretty cool. For someone who has never heard of Nemesis before (I mean, pretty sure no one reading the blog has), I think not only the connections but all the different things you can do with this is not bad at all. It's not my favorite for Fleetway, but definitely the alt that I enjoy most. With that out of the way, let's talk about the debate itself: who do I think would win? Well, it's amazing how close this fight is. Both of these two have lots and lots of things to consider, and I had to think pretty carefully to decide a verdict, but here I am, attempting to be as careful as possible in analyzing all the possible ways they could interact with each other. Let's start from the most simple to the most complicated:

Tertiary Factors: Starting off with the first category, experience & skill, Nemesis is probably the one I’d choose as more experienced. I mean, no shit, this guy has lived for billions of years and has hundreds of years of battle experience, way too much for Sonic to even come close. However, things shift when it comes to skill. Nemesis is skilled, sure, but I’d say nowhere close to Sonic. First of all, he’s consistently smarter than Nemesis, as well as a better strategist. The blue blur has also fought many, MANY versatile opponents, more versatile or as versatile as Nemesis himself, which would favor the hedgehog in this field. There is more that we could talk about, but that’s basically a summary of it. Overall, Nemesis is more experienced, while Sonic is more skilled.

Stats: This one is quite funny. Sonic and Nemesis are both really powerful heavy hitters. In low feats, Sonic’s shown to be quite more impressive than Nemesis, but it’s not like it matters, since both get to cosmic ground fairly easily, getting even above solar system, galaxy, and universal levels of power! Fleetway Sonic has decent multiversal+ scaling, as he’s superior to God Robotnik and the Chaos Wave, as well as being powered by the Chaos Emeralds. I believe that the dimensional tiering for the Sonic the Comic verse is pretty solid, so this would put Fleetway Sonic all the way up to 6-D. But, of course, Nemesis can fairly match that as well. Dimensional tiering in Nemesis’ comic series is impressively very blatant, and the Khaos user could get all the way up to 6-D as well, possibly even higher due to defeating a pan-dimensional being. This could mean Nemesis is much more stronger than 6-D, however, I believe it’s too vague, so it’s safe to say that both Sonic and Nemesis are even in strength at worst, or Nemesis is stronger, giving the warlock a strength advantage (would apply to durability as well). Speed is a different case, and I believe that the self acclaimed fastest thing alive keeps his throne here. In both low and mid ends of finite speed, Sonic shows himself consistently faster than any finite speed feat Nemesis has ever performed, and with his transformations and speed boosts, the gap could be even worse. In infinite speed ends, both would be relative, but like I said, the speed boosts plus his forms would still keep Sonic initially faster, at least for a while (we’ll get there when I start talking about abilities). Stamina is likely a non-factor here, since both can keep going for several years, so no need to talk about it that much. Overall, Nemesis seems to be stronger, and Sonic seems to be consistently faster.

Arsenal and Abilities: Experience, skill, strength, speed… yeah, throw all of these out of the window. This is BY FAR the most important factor of this matchup. It’s surreal; both Fleetway Sonic and Nemesis have many things that can counter each other out. Many of their abilities cancel each other: both can teleport, transmute, manipulate wind, turn invisible, wish, reality warp, absorb energy, turn off powers, create force fields and giant avatars (holy shit Megazord fight), mind control, duplicate themselves, summon (omg MAHORAGA FIGHT), change their sizes, and a lot more! Heck, even physically killing each other wouldn’t work, both can regenerate from having their bodies being completely gone! With all of this crazy stuff they have at their hands, what would truly stop the other? Starting with Nemesis, he can fairly easily avoid being sent to other dimensions with his teleportation or his own dimensional travel. The warlock can manipulate Sonic’s Kintobor AI, using it for himself, can absorb Sonic’s chaos energy, put Sonic to sleep, can erase his memories and even bypass his resistances of mind reading, meaning Nemesis can see everything that Sonic could be plotting against him. It would be even worse if Sonic used a Time Stone, since Nemesis would benefit from that as well by seeing those same future events (Nemesis can also just erase Sonic’s memories too ig). Phasing and necromancy would help against a lot of the blue fella’s incoming attacks. He can lower Sonic’s statistics, meaning overtime, Sonic would get weaker and weaker, meaning at some point, Nemesis could likely even equalize the speed again, and of course, with the Ambar Stone, can steal Sonic’s soul, which his regeneration is not potent enough to regenerate from, completely killing him! Sonic’s no slouch here, though! Nemesis has no answers to transmutation, even if he has it on his own, meaning that Sonic can petrify him, or something similar. His time slowing or time stopping abilities would be extremely useful against Nemesis, considering he can do all sorts of things that could put the warrior in trouble, like sealing him inside of an Item Box! Sonic’s Time Stones could also prevent Sonic from the pesky time looping ability debatably, since Sonic himself can recognize time loops, meaning he could fetch a Time Stone immediately to save his ass. Sonic’s Chao are also terrifying; their copy is almost instant, meaning Sonic’s Chao would gain all of Nemesis’ stats and abilities in seconds! Considering Fleetway Sonic can have the same amount as Sonic can in Sonic Adventure, he would have from 8 to 24 Chao, which, oh boy, is very frightening. Sonic can shrug off Nemesis’ telekinesis, and can also bypass his resistance to energy yoink with the Grey Emerald, or use the Chaos Tap to absorb all the energy from the planet if Nemesis ever get his hand on his own energy (Sonic can also yoink his soul). There’s more, like molecule manipulation, paralysis, age manipulation… but here, we get to the big hitters: the Chaos Wave and his Toon Force. The Chaos Wave’s ability to erase concepts and information itself would completely fuck up Nemesis no matter what, and his ability to see future comic panels and also jump out of the comic to erase Nemesis from the narrative WHENEVER HE WANTS is just… absurd. 

With everything analyzed so far… It's wild. It basically becomes a quickdraw situation where the one who acts first would emerge victorious. But, being very honest, character wise, I think Sonic would be the first one to immediately try something to stop Nemesis from killing him. Not only is he faster, but he’s experienced enough to identify when he has to rely on his more potent abilities, not to mention Hyper Sonic can see through comic panels (and could potentially see his future deaths), and has Time Stones that do the same, while Nemesis could benefit, it would still give Sonic a good knowledge of Nemesis’ abilities if he decided to use them, which, with his speed advantage, would benefit a lot, making him time stop to set up everything for a finisher (also, Sonic has more ways to kill Nemesis than Nemesis has to kill Sonic). Nemesis’ ability to fetch Sonic’s soul with the Ambar Stone is impressive, but he does need concentration, which I believe he wouldn’t get an opportunity to do, considering his opponent is a cocky fast hedgehog that can slap him in the face if he tries to. Considering EEEVERYTHING, yeah, this is a WILD fight! But at the end of the day, the blue blur manages to warlock his win, finding a fleetway to victory! I’m terrible at puns, sorry :(

The winner is Sonic the Hedgehog


Hey there everybody, tis’ me, doot. It’s my first time on a blog, and Stars kinda just roped me in, and boy was this one not a good first choice for a first blog. Given there are so many things to cover, but I’ll try to do my best y’know. So, to begin addressing a couple things, stats.

Stats to me are pretty much dead even when it comes to it, both pretty much match each other on both finite and infinite ends, with Sonic having an edge when it comes to finite ends. But ultimately, both’s arguments for Immeasurable and their Dimensional Tiering are fairly acceptable to me, so they’re equals.

So this match pretty much came down to haxxes, abilities and the like. One thing I would like to point out when it comes to Sonic’s stuff is that I personally disagree that he should be given extra lives, as it goes against the whole point of Extra-Life being a thing, a clone of Sonic that went rogue and was sealed away because of how rowdy he got. If there were other extra lives, they likely would have met the same fate. And in the adventure novel it seems more like a gameplay mechanic, just like the games, to give the reader a chance to retry and not just mess things up. If the STC timeline included Lost World, I would give extra lives to Sonic but it isn’t, so sadly I have to disagree to that. Not even like it matters however, as the Chaos Energy allows Sonic to regenerate indefinitely. 

Then, the one shot options, quite frankly Sonic has multiple of them. From the various Chaos Emerald abilities Nemesis doesn’t resist to purely just writing him out of the plot, those seem like very useful… but so does Nemesis have an equal amount of good abilities that could take Sonic out. Especially the sleep manipulation since it seems easy and not like it would kill Sonic.

And due to the nature of both, quite frankly it’s less probable that either of them would use their abilities. Nemesis enjoying the thrill of putting himself in danger, especially against such a wonderful foe as Sonic, I feel like he wouldn’t use his best stuff right out of the bat even if he is more willing to kill than the hedgehog is. The Warlock’s sense of thrill, it is a more notable weakness. 

But Sonic himself… holds back a lot, even against people he deems as bad, so it would go a long while without him using his instant win options. Especially if he gets confident and thinks he has this in the bag, so quite frankly to me it’d nearly be a stalemate.

Nearly, if not for the plot erasure being so god damn useful. Even if it makes him equally as dimensional as Nemesis, Sonic’s haxx should still work and just exiting the story to do so should keep him safe. This added with Hyper being able to also interact with the comic itself in a better way does give him a slight edge.

In the end, Nemesis crashed into a war he couldn’t lock in hard enough to win. Leading to this hedgehog to fleet his way out of the comic and into victory, the winner is Sonic The Com- Hedgehog.


So uh here’s my take on Nemegic-I mean Nemesis vs Fleetway Sonic the Hedgehog.


Based on my vague understanding of the provided notes, the stats do seem to be relatively even. Both of them scale to a 6th/7th-dimensional level in power and durability, and both scale to the immeasurable speed range. However, regarding speed, Nemesis seems to be relatively close to baseline immeasurable, while Sonic at his best is capable of blitzing characters that scale to the immeasurable speed tier (using his boost and spin-dash technique). Assuming this technique is comparable to its appearances in other Sonic media, it can even allow Sonic to perceive enemies on his normal speed tier as almost frozen in place when using these speed amps, which would put Sonic far ahead of Nemesis. But even without that, Sonic would still be capable of amping his speed beyond baseline immeasurable, so I would say Sonic has a slight edge.

In regards to the stuff involving 6/7-D, I can’t say for sure who is superior or who has a better argument for scaling. However, it does seem like much of the reasoning for Nemesis scaling to higher dimensional elements is because he scales to entities who exist on a higher or pan-dimensional plane. This is something that can easily be passed off as mere higher-dimensional existence, as opposed to an actual feat of destroying higher dimensional cosmology, so I am a bit more hesitant to say that Nemesis fully scales to 6/7-D. However, it is stated that a character Nemesis scales to was going to absorb energy that was breaking down all of space-time, which may potentially include these higher dimensional spaces, so I’m willing to give Nemesis the benefit of the doubt and say he scales. However, if I did that, then I would also have to acknowledge the fact that only Fleetway Sonic has arguments for Reality-Fiction transcendence in regards to his tiering. Now, there are two ways you can go with this. You can either say that R > F merely adds one dimensional level to the cosmology, as the blog took. Or, you can take the approach that seeing any dimensional level as fictional would make the higher dimensional character an outerversal character. Taking this approach would make Fleetway Sonic completely stomp Nemesis, but it’s all about how legitimate this use of R > F transcendence is in the story, which I am definitely not qualified to talk about. Overall, I would say that no matter what interpretation is used for the stats, Sonic will always have at the very least a slight speed advantage, which can potentially grow even higher with his accelerated development, and may potentially have a MASSIVE power advantage of Outerversal vs 6-7D, depending on how you treat R > F transcendence. My vote goes to Sonic (I didn’t even mention Hyper Sonic, which upscales even further from Super Sonic given that Hyper is effectively a super form version of Super Sonic, potentially allowing you to stack the boost of base form to super form a second time to HEAVILY upscale Super Sonic’s statistics).


Obviously, experience is going to go to Nemesis, the dude has been fighting for billions of years while Sonic is 15 years old (give or take). However, I do believe Sonic is able to compensate. Not only does he have a potentially vast breadth of fighting skill knowledge, due to his ability to instantly discern enemy weaknesses at a glance and his ability to defeat trained boxing champions, but he has also fought entities with millennia of combat experience like the Sentinels. Needless to say, while Nemesis is leading in this category, it’s not something that will change the tide of this match too much.


So obviously, since both these goobers are comic characters with years of history, they have a shit load of hax at their disposal, and a lot of it is shared. Reality warping, mind manipulation, astral projection, super speed, phasing, transmutation, power nullification, physics manipulation, perception manipulation, luck manipulation, time manipulation, and so on and so forth. And while a lot of these abilities are very useful, the challenge is not necessarily determining who has more abilities, but who has more abilities that aren’t resisted by the opposition. Glancing through the list, here are the notable abilities that I believe each has that the other cannot counter (at least on first viewing).


Plot Manipulation: Sonic being able to simply write Nemesis out of the plot of a story from a higher dimensional plane is something Nemesis simply does not have the range to counter, nor has he showcased any kind of resistance to. The invisibility and range granted by this control of the plot is also something Nemesis has no way to stop, effectively leaving him a sitting duck as Sonic takes potshots.

Superior Regeneration: While Nemesis is capable of regenerating his body from nothing but a soul, Sonic has shown he can recreate himself from nothing but pure energy. Meaning that in order for Sonic to kill Nemesis, in theory he just needs to fully destroy Nemesis’ soul. Meanwhile, to destroy Fleetway Sonic, Nemesis seemingly has to delete all traces of Chaos Energy from the nearby vicinity, which is a much more difficult task, and something that may even be futile, as Sonic has been able to fight as Super Sonic even when fully drained of Chaos Energy! (That’s literally what the entire Amnesia arc is about, he couldn’t hold in his energy, and hit rock bottom… it stands to reason on some level he can exist without it for quite awhile)

Perception Manipulation: On top of Sonic’s already existing speed boost techniques, him being able to slow the perception he has of time around him makes Nemesis even slower, making it far easier for Sonic to use his abilities on Nemesis than vice versa.

Luck Manipulation: Okay, taking this completely seriously, Sonic has been shown using luck boosting items in the games, so I can buy it for Fleetway. And, well, nothing like getting lucky to increase your chances of winning a fight.

Time Manipulation: Sonic being able to freeze, slow, and generally manipulate time in his favor FURTHER increases his speed advantage, to the point Nemesis is basically never going to get hits in. And in a fight with power levels as close as this, not getting hit is extremely valuable.

Physics/Conceptual/Information Manipulation: (The blog mentioned Cyberspace so I will too). The Chaos Wave being able to eliminate the concept of physics across the entire cosmology, and destroy Maginaryworld and the Precioustone (thus eliminating the concept of dreams), and Cyberspace (which is a realm of pure information), means that Sonic can destroy things down to the conceptual and information scale, something that Nemesis has no feats of regenerating from. Considering that entities who utilize the Chaos Emeralds have been able to wipe out the cosmology just using normal attacks and not specialized hax, means that Sonic can theoretically pull off all these abilities with just basic attacks, meaning every single attack from Super Sonic will be incredibly dangerous to Nemesis.


I wrote all this stuff before glancing at Sonic’s resistances hot damn, just consider that most everything I say here is resisted:

Sonic Resists:

  • Acid/Poison Manipulation: Acid is very corrosive, and considering Nemesis literally bleeds the stuff and can manipulate it, it can potentially break down Sonic’s biology. He does resist acidic rain and poisonous slime djinn in the games, but Heroes and Secret Rings were excluded here. That said, the regen Sonic has may be able to counter this.

  • Possession/Mind Manipulation/Memory Erasure: Again, this is something Sonic can resist in the games thanks to Dark Gaia, but Unleashed was also excluded. If Nemesis manages to possess Sonic long enough, it might be game over. He could make Sonic hurt himself, force Sonic to de-transform, or just make Sonic kill himself LTG style. That said, Nemesis does still have to worry about not staying outside his body for too long, or his soul will fade away and the fight will end in Sonic’s victory. Alternatively, he can just make Sonic forget how to use his abilities with memory wiping. Sonic doesn’t have showings he can fight without his memories like Shadow can, so it would likely work.

  • Fear Manipulation: Another thing that Sonic would have a counter to with Chronicles thanks to the Spooky Charm, but Chronicles is definitely not part of this discussion. You could argue Sonic’s supernatural willpower would let him bulldoze through the fear manip, but I don’t believe he has a dedicated resistance, and keeping Sonic locked in place would make it easier for Nemesis to land hits.

  • Absorption: While Sonic does counter his own energy being absorbed out of his body via the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic’s showings of resisting his entire body being sucked into a spear is less than notable, potentially acting as a solid BFR tactic. However, the blitzspear being able to power null entities that it absorbs isn’t clear, and Sonic can cross dimensions with Chaos Control, so it’s possible that Sonic could escape the spear with this. Just unclear.

Duplication: More numbers means more chances for Nemesis to land his hax.

Invisibility: While Sonic’s danger sense and environmental recognition may act as a partial counter, I don’t believe Fleetway can directly see beings who have turned invisible, while Nemesis can potentially counter some of Fleetway’s lower tier invisibility showings with his enhanced scent.

Evil Eye Curses: This is honestly a very specific counter to Sonic. Being able to control his movements (thus limiting his speed) AND manipulate animals (of which Sonic is one) is very detrimental if Nemesis gets it off.

Age Manipulation: Sonic being turned into a baby or being aged into dust is a very real possibility.

Sleep Manipulation: Another thing to slow Sonic down, putting him to sleep is pretty viable to get all of Nemesis’s hax off.

Tech Manipulation: Nemesis being able to interfere with Sonic’s technology does give the latter less options to fight back with.

In general, I’d say Nemesis’ best insta-win options are his evil eye curses, his age manip, his sleep manip, and his mind powers (assuming they’re layered enough). He also has transmutation but it's resisted. Meanwhile, Sonic needs to get off that plot manipulation or the chaos wave. 

While Sonic does have fewer wincons I would say are instant-win abilities, I do think it’s more viable for Sonic to get his hax off first. Due to his general speed advantage on a baseline level, combined with multiple ways to increase the stat gap, and the ability to tag Nemesis in his soul form to counter Nemesis’ main way of avoiding attacks, along with Super Sonic potentially being able to unleash his hax in smaller portions with basic attacks, I think Sonic will land more hits than Nemesis on average, and Nemesis generally possesses less resistances to Sonic’s abilities than vice versa, despite Nemesis having the wider hax list. Still, this will not be an easy fight, as Nemesis does have multiple ways to slow Sonic down and make him easy to tag with Nemesis’ own insta-win abilities. Consider this a very high-diff Sonic win.


Overall, I’d have to side with Sonic on this one. His stat advantage, while potentially very slight, is still notable, and has the potential to be ENORMOUS depending on your views of R > F transcendence or multiplier stacking for Hyper Sonic. This, combined with Sonic’s abilities to further boost his stats with perception manipulation and accelerated development, should serve as an adequate counter to Nemesis’ statistics manipulation, and makes it more likely Sonic will get off his instant-win abilities of conceptual and plot manipulation first, especially when the latter also comes with a range advantage Nemesis cannot counter. Despite Nemesis’ overwhelming experience edge and abilities to slow Sonic down, Nemesis himself was (fittingly) too slow to get it off in time. And so, the chaos demon overcomes the khaos warlock in a c(k)haotic battle of unstable proportions. 

The winner is Fleetway’s Sonic the Hedgehog.


(Thoughts on the matchup)

This is honestly a really cool and unique matchup for someone like Fleetway Sonic, people usually put him against other sonics or alternate rival characters..or just use Super Sonic by himself lol

Nemesis is a very interesting character, he's not necessarily a hero, but he's a freedom fighter nonetheless. The Dynamic between these 2 could honestly be very cool by showcasing how different they are, while also showing how similar they are. Anyways enough about how cool this matchup is…let's move on to the debate


Now Nemesis is very experienced, he's billions of years old and has been fighting for just that much time. Fighting off many adversaries and threats to his world. Even with that Experience Sonic has fought way more varied opponents and has fought many more haxxy Powerhouses than Nemesis. Both know how to fight in Hand to Hand combat but Sonic can use his skills in battle excessively and can use his battle experience to his advantage more. Nemesis may have more experience in fighting through enemies, but Sonic has simply fought more mfers that can pose a threat with their abilities and he can use his skills in combat much better.

This Category goes to SONIC the HEDGEHOG 


Now in CQC Nemesis does seem to have more weapons that can help in a close up fight. He has swords, spears, multiple guns, a ship that's built like a swordfish and many other weapons. But this won't be enough to stop Sonic, the Hedgehog may not have as many close combat Weapons but his arsenal is more powerful and varied than Nemesis. With items like the time stones and the emeralds he can use all his best abilities to completely destroy Nemesis. Hell the Emeralds on their own bypass Nemesis almost entirely, with the Grey emerald being able to completely absorb his power, and other emeralds being able to trap his soul. Now mind you, Nemesis can separate his soul from his body, and both can interact with spirits; but If Nemesis’s soul is extracted for too long then he'll cease to exist. With Sonic being able to trap his soul that would be an easy win for the blue blur. In Nemesis' credit he can also mess with Sonic’s soul & all of Sonic's ai and tech; not only will Sonic lose access to Ovi Kintobor, but Nemesis can make Kintober turn on Sonic. Though unfortunately for Nemesis, Sonic still has items like the Chao that can completely just copy all of his abilities.

It's a very close one but this Category also goes to SONIC the HEDGEHOG 


So this may be the biggest toss up yet, Nemesis has many abilities that can work on Sonic. Sleep manipulation can make Sonic go (snore memememememe) And His Stat Nullification/lowering can definitely work on Sonic, even if Sonic wants to use Luck manip that just gets lowered by Statistics Manip lol. His absorption and phasing can be insanely helpful in this situation and his necromancy means he can get more in. Then he can also look into Sonic's mind and read his attacks or use his acid breath to Dura neg. Unfortunately Sonics Regen helps with that….even with everything Nemesis can do Sonic also has many options to win with his abilities. He can erase Nemesis in many many forms, and his plot manip is way better than anything Nemesis can do. Not to mention he can simply just use the Chaos wave to permanently kill Nemesis and ignore his telekinesis. Chaos abilities as mentioned before can directly affect Nemesis. Both have many options to kill each other, but also have too many options to ignore each other. They can feed off each other's power and chaos energy, and they resist a lot of the Abilities the other would do first. They're both not likely to instantly use insta kill moves so it would depend on who could pull out their stuff first. Sonic's more level headed in the fight but Nemesis is more likely to use more of his abilities.

It's hard to really determine who would win entirely off of abilities and Haxes…

Other factors usually come in which helps with abilities, but it's hard to see who would triumph the other first with only using haxes. 

This Category is a STALEMATE 


We can go through this one pretty quickly, so let's get into it. Both have many DT arguments and High end arguments for their verses can get pretty high, Although Nemesis’ arguments are much higher and he can get much stronger than Sonic even with Hyper and Super forms. But no matter what end you use with infinite or finite arguments, Sonic will always be faster than Nemesis. There's no real winner of this category, but Strength goes to NEMESIS the WARLOCK, and Speed of course goes to SONIC the HEDGEHOG 

Final Verdict

So applying all these previous factors we can definitely form the final verdict. Nemesis is more experienced and would be willing to use his most powerful stuff more than the Blue Hedgehog and his highest strength arguments and scale can put up a good fight but Sonic can use his better skill with his much better and more varied arsenal against Nemesis' more limited arsenal and use of skill. Since Sonic is much faster no matter what ends you use he can pull off way more of his abilities and permanently incap or kill Nemesis with his equal amount of abilities. Sonic may be more laid back and more incompetent compared to someone like Nemesis and he tends to hold back a lot more, but he's also much more level headed and can stay in the fight more than the Demon Warlock could. All Sonic needs to do is pull out at least one good ability against Nemesis' overload of abilities…which is perfect for the Blue Blur. Chaos may thrive through both of these Freedom fighters, but Sonic was the only one on fleet demon timing…

The Winner is SONIC the HEDGEHOG 


Yeah erm… this is Stars here, Elec was GOING to write something AMAZING and HEARTFELT but then he sorta just poofed from existence after making us WAIT A WEEK AFTER THE BLOG WAS ALREADY DONE AFTER SAYING LIKE FOUR TIMES HE WAS GOING TO DO IT GRAHHHHHHH ELEC WHY. Rumors say that he may be haunting the Blog even now… but he HAS MADE IT CLEAR THAT HE DOES think Sonic wins.🙂So that’s another vote to add to Sonic’s side! (Hope your workload lessens eventually Elec, thanks for the help regardless!)


Hey everyone, I just wanted to take a quick moment to tell you thank you for the read. The blog took a long time! And after creating and finally finishing researching the matchup, this has only become better for me (my preferred for sure). I've never encountered a matchup where both contenders could pretty much do everything the other could do; the battle dynamic honestly sounds crazy, and I can't believe I managed to cook up another balanced matchup. But let's step off my high horse. I really appreciate all of you taking the time to read through the blog. They end up taking a long, LONG time to complete, mostly because of my lack of motivation and how I get busy in my own personal life. So, seeing all of you enjoy the stuff that I do, pitch in, or even acknowledge that it exists is always a pleasant thing to motivate me further. (Also I’d highly recommend giving both stories a read, while Nemesis is decently darker than Sonic, it’s not to the point of it being literally unreadable, it’s just a little more brutal in nature when it comes to the lessons and story being told… and as for Sonic the Comic you know I’m one of the most devoted Fleetway fans around, this dude was literally my first Sonic Comic and I love him to death, I’ve read his story at least 6 times all the way through now, and I really… REALLLLLY HOPE that the Online Writers can hurry up and get back to cooking some more issues for the main Hedgehog himself… THOUGH given recent news it seems that’s going to be the case).

Anywho sorry for my little rant, let’s get back to the actual matchup… when we get down to it, the matchup is close as I stated before. I do think strength is sort of a non-factor here; even if Nemesis can get higher or Sonic has better AOE neither are relying on that, Nemesis can't rely on superior strength to kill Sonic he needs to use his hax, meaning a mixture of speed and hax are likely what's going to end up deciding a victor. And despite everything Nemesis can do to potentially upscale Immeasurable as well, there's nothing you can do to get him on the same level as Sonic. 

Let's say Torquemada was WAY slower than Nemesis in his Immeasurable feat due to his inexperience with souls. Okay, well, Fleetway is naturally upscaling a lot of the characters of his verse too and was OUTRUNNING the wave that was going through time and space; he was outrunning an immeasurable feat already during the novel in his base form; then he has Super and Hyper on top of that; his speed stacking shoes, speed monitors, time stopping, Hyper Mode, and SUPER-SUPER-SONIC Mode, they would all get Sonic to the point of blitzing; it was pretty easy to say that he'd be the faster of the two; even if Nemesis could possibly slowly lower Sonic’s statistics with Statistics Manipulation, it wouldn't matter. The first thing we should probably bring up is their abilities because, dear lord, do they both have a million ways to kill each other. Nemesis could absorb Sonic, something we know Chaos Beings like Super have been affected by in the past. Nemesis could put Sonic to sleep, which would be an instant win, letting him use any of his win-cons afterward or just leaving him, given his Sleep Manip usually lasts hours. He could just rip out Sonic's soul, basically whenever he felt like it, possess him, or control his body like a puppet, which would leave Sonic as a sitting duck. Probably most detrimental is the moment he even gets close to Sonic he could literally just PHASE his heart out of his body and turn him into a Zombie, which yeah, that’s so SPECIFIC that Sonic can’t even really counter that. Nemesis could even cuck Kintobor instantaneously off rip with his Tech Manip, age Sonic to dust or turn him into a baby, and gauge literally all of Sonic's potential options the moment he peers into his mind to give him a heads-up… the MOMENT that he finds out how Sonic’s forms work he could just force Sonic to turn off his Super Form and literally kill him on the spot… and given he wouldn’t be in a Super Form that’d likely disable his regen leaving no ways to come back. And while that's a lot of win-cons to have on someone, Sonic has just as many on Nemesis… which is SURPRISING but Nemesis honestly doesn’t have a ton of resistances. Sonic could transmute him at any time, believe it or not, which would incapacitate him… despite how Nemesis has transmutation himself he’s never resisted it. Sonic could seal him inside a Monitor which should disable his powers given it held a clone of Sonic before, use a Chao or Metamorphia to copy all of Nemesis' abilities which would flip the battle on its head given it’s just NEMESIS+SONIC VS NEMESIS at that point, age him to dust the same way that Nemesis can him, petrify him in stone to incapacitate him since he needs to THINK to use his powers, paralyze him with Chaos Energy to make sure he keeps still, absorb his soul into the Emeralds which although unclear if forceful like Nemesis’ soul absorption can be used in the exact same way, and one that Nemesis has LITERALLY never seen someone use before with Sonic exiting the comic and just straight up erasing him out of the plot… in general Nemesis doesn't really have any counters to Sonic dipping in-between Panel windows to avoid damage… Sonic could just stay out of reach FOREVER while he throws shit at him. I do think no matter what route we go in that regard Sonic's options are a bit more impressive, though they are equal in the number of ways they could potentially cuck each other over, in my opinion. Now with that out of the way, the real factor is if Sonic would have it in him to ‘stop’ Nemesis or would Nemesis just go in for the kill when it comes to his Characterization in the comic. Given this is happening at Peak due to Death Battle rules, Hyper Sonic is a lot less bloodlusty in character than Super or Nemesis, he’s a literal goofball, and even if he has the potential to go for a kill, Nemesis would take that opportunity first which is PRETTY OBVIOUS. And in a battle where both have insta-kill options, that's not something you want to hesitate about since they both have options to insta-kill each other, though I will say that there are some IN-CHARACTER options Sonic would likely go for first. 

Obviously, Molecule Manipulation would work on parts of Nemesis that aren’t plated with Blitzspear armor, though it wouldn't incap him per se due to his regen and control over his body. Speed techniques, in general, aren't doing much… they are usually just used for diversions rather than straight up attacking a person, and given Nemesis can ‘SMELL’ diversions basically meant nothing since he could track him ANYWHERE. After that, Sonic'd likely go for the less murder-happy options like his gadgets (though even options like Chao sound out of character as he's throwing LITERAL INFANTS at the 8-foot tall demon). Sonic's ACTUAL gadgets would throw Nemesis off a bit, but obviously nothing would outright stop Nemesis until Sonic tries sealing him. While this would work per se, Nemesis would likely know what it was and what Sonic is trying to do. Even if Sonic is thinking REALLY fast, Nemesis is still able to look into his memories and probe them to see what all of his potential arsenal and abilities he can pull out are, meaning he'd probably use a duplicate to take the beam for him, or just break it or warp away if possible… that in general is sort of a pitfall for Sonic, he is fighting a battle against a guy who is going to know EVERYTHING about him by the time they get to the middle chunk of the battle. Relatively, sealing should be able to be pulled off due to his speed advantage over Nemesis, so that's a wincon right there for Sonic. While there's a relatively small range to it, Nemesis normally stays close in fights; he is only going to back up once he realizes Sonic has insta-kill options and omega death magic just like him; which at least at first he won’t know… in fact, it's going to urge him to finish the fight faster when he DOES know he’s likely gonna die if he doesn’t kill him. 

Nemesis, unlike Sonic, as stated before is very likely to go for an insta-kill option the second he sees what's in store… so Sonic is REALLY working against the clock. Nemesis would have a leg-up with his decades of experience… DUH he’s literally been in the game 1 billion years longer than Sonic so it wasn’t a hard call to make there; he's seen people just like SONIC before… he literally has the same powerset as a Warlock. Nemesis is very tactical and has fought in wars that have taken literal years, Sonic despite being decently experienced CANNOT stack up to something like that; everything in terms of Experience is sort of lining up in Nemesis’ favor in that regard, as it plays into Sonic's more lax attitude he'll have throughout the fight… Sonic is NOT the type to end a fight quickly, especially if no harm is coming to anyone nearby… HELL EVEN IF there’s deadly stakes unless it’s outright going to kill Sonic himself he’ll have fun with it. Now I have to be clear despite all of that, I do think Sonic wins, even if Nemesis WOULD go for a wincon first… the SPEED ADVANTAGE is so overwhelmingly huge, Sonic has so much time to prod and experiment with Nemesis that he'd realize what he'd have to do even if Nemesis got a retry via his Ghost Form… TF is blud going to do when he gets with the army of thousands of Hyper Sonics BLITZING him while they all fire concept erasing beams at his face. In fact, even if Nemesis WAS likely to use a wincon first… there’s ONE detrimental flaw to him that would really sus Sonic out… it’s the fact that Nemesis is literally charging him like a Chaos-themed battery just by being near him via his ‘Psychic Radiation’ emissions. It doesn’t take a detective to realize Nemesis is using Chaos energy as well, the moment Sonic realizes this it’d significantly boost his reasoning to use his ‘most’ in-character option that would work, which is the Grey Emerald. It would nullify Nemesis' magic, even without verse equalization, Khaos Magic works EXACTLY like Chaos Energy; there's no reason it shouldn't work, and with Nemesis depowered, it'd limit his arsenal by a lot. A lot of his insta-kill options would be off the table, with one of his only natural weapon being his Acid-Spit from there, which again would just be ignored by Sonic's regen. From there all Sonic really needs to do is use ANY of his hax, as Nemesis has no options besides the Ambar Stone to end the fight… and at that point, he’d just FOLD. While Nemesis was strong, fast, and tactically smart in his own right, this battle really just comes down to whether Sonic would use a wincon before Nemesis was able to throw one out, and in a battle of a quickdraw, Sonic had the Fleet-way to come out on top, guess in the end Nemesis was War-locked. (Har har har this pun is going to be the death of me) Now I’ll leave you with a masterpiece courtesy of Ashuto.

The winner is Sonic the Hedgehog.

Final Tally

Fleetway Sonic (7) - Stars, JJSliderman, FMT, ishi_yuki, doot., Oleggator, Electrik 

Nemesis (∅) - "I believe in the oldest force in the universe...nothing. Beliefs are dangerous. They prevent people from thinking for themselves. 'Credo' -- it means 'believe'. Believe in yourself...think for yourself, only then are you truly free."  

Banner by ishi_yuki, thank you oomfie


Now it's time for Stars to shill another one of his matchups at the end of the blog. Spike vs. Ethan (Ape Escape Vs Pokemon) is a passion matchup of mine that I thought up with Ashuto a really long time ago. It vibes a ton, has a ton of dynamic potential, and has good enough connections to justify its existence. Spike as a protagonist really doesn't get a lot of love, and Gold... or rather Ethan, literally gets no love. So, to have these two characters be so similar is honestly a pretty cool thing we managed to find.

Anywhoozle the connections are as follows… 

  • Both are kids who are tasked by a Professor to catch all variants of a creature/animal species. (Pokemon and Monkeys) These creatures can also be summoned into battle in order to fight (Spike can literally fight using Monkeys in Pumped & Primed). 

  • Their journeys take them to various different regions across the planet, challenging some of the world's greatest warriors in tournaments, eventually, their journeys lead to various different points in time. (Taking the Celebi event into consideration) 

  • Both take down a terrorist group that specializes in stealing the species in order to harness their power to take over the world. 

  • Ethan and Spike while on their journey also started a rivalry with a boy who had ties to that organization albeit both were unwilling to be a part of it (Silver and Jake). 

  • There's also the nifty connection of them exploring the region another protagonist (Jimmy and Red) did, if we consider the Ape Escape 2 and Heart Gold Post Game stuff.

It’s something really simple, but vibey for both, and focuses on the basic gist of their stories…I'm looking forward to the blog. I'm likely going to soft comp both sides in order to get a really generous estimation of what both can look like at their peaks, taking a look at all their current material that would fit with Main Canon's theming. I think the debate of Spike’s overwhelming amount of gadgets versus Ethan’s vast amount of Abilities via his hundreds of Pokemon is going to make it a VERY VERYYYY interesting blog to cover. Outside of that, all I can ask from all of you is to be patient and wait. I usually take a few months between blogs in order to hype myself up. Whenever I actually do start, I finish blogs anywhere from a few days to a week or so! Though I'll try not to keep you all waiting for long. I hope you have a nice few months until then. Toodaloo!~



  2. Damn man that's the true meaning of "let him cook" also you forgot another 2 dimensions such as the Misery Zone and also Sparkster universe and I really wish this would be a Death Battle episode fr

  3. The Misery Zone is shown to us later destroyed as part of a jacked up continent on Mobius, so we didn't include it given it's likely not another dimension. The interconnected 'Sega Universe' was brought up in the Before We Start section and briefly in the cosmology section we just didn't want to focus on it. Also agreed, I would love it if this caught the attention of the show hosts!


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